Channel Loops

I'd like to report that the fix is in, but CNN Go is apparently broken. Hopefully that's a coincidence! ;-()

Looks like other people are running into it:

That appears to be fixed now.

This is so typical - reminds me of work; you sweat bullets to find and fix a bug in the code, then when you go to push it to the server, you discover that they have somehow changed the permissions. Then you start troubleshooting the permissions problem, and when you find the culprit, the server stops responding altogether. Then your phone starts ringing... oh my interrupted interruptions...

I'm glad to hear the looping appears to be fixed. For the most part we've been able to ignore the differences between Linux and Windows, but occasionally things crop up that relate to the fundamental differences of how they manage some system interactions and it is very difficult to identify.


I've already seen the "segmentTemporarilyFailed" error without a corresponding loop. Looking good!


Had zero complaints from the family about any looping. Thanks for the fix.

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Hi, I'm curious if you've seen any segmentTemporarilyFailed on CNN recently and if so can you share those log messages.

What is the location of the full current and previous log files in Windows?

All the log files are in c:\programdata\channelsdvr\data they'll be labelled hls-*.log

There have been a few. I submitted diagnostic logs from the server ( 01d07029-d37e-4a42-afac-b261d9ed2bc8), and attached all of the his-*.log files in a .zip to the support mailbox.

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