Since the iOS app is getting the love, I'd like to throw out another ask, which is having search available on all tabs (settings probably doesn't need it, but all the others). If you don't won't to the impact the overall look, you could have it where you need to drag down to show the search box. I'm a big searcher
Loving this update so far.
I got a crash when swiping to delete an episode on iPad. The deletion worked. Unfortunately I accidentally dismissed the crash submission sheet (iOS makes it way too easy to do so) but I posted the local crash log if it’s useful.
When I go into Movies the top is New Releases. I would prefer recently added or better Unwatched. Once I watch a movie or mark as watched it should drop off. Kind of like TV Episodes. I mainly want to watch something I have not already watched.
After that I like the All Movies Genres Decades. This is good but really like the idea of Unwatched.
Maybe just me but when I add movies and I do not want to see it Zi just mark as watched because that is the nest way to remove from my top list in Plex.
This is looking really nice.
This is an extremely polarizing topic. Making it the default either way, the way it is now, or the way you want it, would disrupt a large amount of people in either direction.
What if there was an option to ignore watched items in the summary sections? So, the Movies section would show New Releases and Recently Added unwatched movies, but All Movies would of course include everything.
Nice update! I (well, my kids actually) found a nasty bug this morning and I also have 2 minor UI improvement suggestions:
nasty bug (tvOS): my young kids have learned how to go downstairs by themselves and turn the TV onto their favourite channel in the morning and the good news is they weren't beaten by the new menu! The bad news is though that on selecting their favourite channel via the guide, it started playing the sound from that channel but left the guide up full screen so they couldn't watch the program!
minor UI improvement 1 (tvOS): I like the new menu but I've several times found myself trying to dismiss the menu by pressing the menu button (which is how I summoned it) and instead getting dumped out of Channels into the home screen. I understand why this behaviour is there but somehow with the new menu it suddenly seems really counter-intuitive. It feels like the menu should come and go via the menu button. Is there a way to change this? If I want to actually leave the app, I always just use the home button anyway
minor UI improvement 2 (tvOS): when the new menu appears, it does this swishy animated thing where the menu items appear one by one rather than just being there. It's pretty quick but for me, I found it still just a touch too slow. I found myself wanting to start navigating the menu and waiting for it to appear. Could we have that animation either sped up some or removed?
Minor bug report in tvOS: Swiping up (or pressing the up arrow) no longer displays the time bar.
Minor bug tvOS: couldn’t dismiss the decade filter screen while sorting movies. It made me select one of the options and wouldn’t let me back out.
As a UI designer, I can say this is a major improvement. Can't wait for the imported TV shows / easily add guest users then I won't have a need for Plex. Good job, guys!
I noticed a new client option to disable deletion. This is something else people have been asking for!
I posted this elsewhere, but could you include a setting to disable "double-click-fast-forward/right-arrow to skip commercials"? It sometimes gives us trouble when commercial detection gets it wrong and we try to manually forward to a program segment that's in the middle of what the DVR detected as all commercial break.
I get a crash when deleting a recording with the new Beta version (ATV 4K). The web interface shows that the file is scheduled to be deleted.
Really like where this is going, the ability to hide menu items is a great feature.
A few suggestions:
The "Library" view should be combined with the Tv/Movies pages. I hate to say "copy what Plex has done", but after many years I feel like they got it right with UNO. Inside Tv/Movies have a "Discover" and "Library" view with the option to default to the last used...
Discover View: Continue watching, Up Next, Recently Recorded
Library View: Alphabetical -
"Active Shows" and "Recently Aired" are confusing categories. I'm not sure what the "active" shows are but the recently aired shows seem to be only new episodes. I believe they should both be removed (refer to point #1) or at least renamed. If "recently aired" = "new episodes" then call them that.
Improve the watched indicators in the "Recordings" view. The neon green is a little jarring and the indicators aren't very intuitive. Maybe a lighter shade of purple for the indicator with a filled in circle meaning unwatched, and no indicator at all meaning watched. (Again similar to Plex, which is a good thing for users who use both apps)
From my experience the Active Shows are ones currently in production. Shows that are not cancelled or just doing reruns in syndication. Recently aired are just that, any episode regardless of age of original production.
Active Shows are any shows that have been recently interacted with. That might be watched, or a new episode added, anything like that. The idea is that it tries to present shows you might likely be looking for. But with the limited amount shown and the fact that we're getting new episodes every day, it rolls over a lot and sort of just ends up looking like Recently Recorded.
We're thinking about replacing this with a Favorites section for shows that you mark as favorite that you'd like to get to faster.
maddox, there is a bug on the apple tv app going back to the previous beta version. if i click on a show thats on the top row on the apple tv homepage, channels opens to the guide while the show is audibly playing in the background. there is no way to pick something else after that. the only solution is to force quit the app and not use the top row. thanks.
Great, thanks! I'll look into it.
What you describe seems to be "recently added", for me "recently aired" does not show older shows that were recently recorded. (example: Two and a half Men)