Channels 4.0 Beta

is no more portrait mode a forever thing now? i loved portrait mode and used it often. thanks.

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New build out:

  • Fixed: Favorites are now sorted by when they were favorited.

I used portrait mode also on my iPhone. Hopefully they bring that back.

Can’t for the life of me figure out how to favorite a show on ios!

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Dark mode bug.

This looks like a dark mode issue as well. The white font doesn't seem right on these backgrounds.

Good one, thanks.

Go to a show (not episode), click the ellipsis in the top right. It'll be in that menu.

This isn't new, but the login screen doesn't have intuitive highlight colors, and if your tv has poor contrast the "highlight" is indistinguishable from the white background. The colors should be reversed (based on feedback from multiple users)


Agreed. Even I get fooled by this. We’re gonna rework that whole view.


iOS: this one's just a feature request, so feel free to ignore :sunglasses:

DVR -> Scheduled Recordings -> [view any episode details]

In this view, I'd love the ability to 'Explore Show' like you have in other detail views.


Not sure if this is a bug: When in the Movies tab and selecting the blank cover art to show “More” in either Recently Added or Top Rated section, the movies are not sorted in any logical order. Should this screen offer you the option to sort?

They’re sorted in the same order they were in the section you clicked More on. It should say in the title at the top.

I’m not seeing any options to sort.

Here is the first screen I see when opening the movies menu.

Here is the next screen I see when clicking on the “New Releases (More)”

I’m not seeing any options to sort these, they are all in random order. Same goes with any of the other categories: Recently Added, Top Rated, Recently Watched.

The only way I have the ability to sort is when I click on the “All Movies” icon, then I have the menu at the top.

Not complaining, just wasn’t sure if it was designed like that or a missing option. I’m testing the beta so I wanted to point it out.


Yep that’s how it’s designed. You go to more, to see the rest of that list, or all your movies in that designated sort.

But they’re not in random order, they’re in the order from that section.

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Possible UX bug in tvOS:

When viewing my Library, the "TV Shows" button is on the far left (bottom). If I am in the second column of my shows (for example, can be any column but the first), I can easily move from Up Next to Recently Recorded. But I can't get to TV Shows button unless I move to the left column. Then I can move down to TV Shows button. That seems like a bug. At a minimum it is not a great UX. I should be able to move to the TV Shows button from any column in the last row of Recently Recorded IMO.

(Note: I only have a TV Shows button)

This is known, thanks. Its how the focus engine works. There next thing directly below is the next section, so it skips the button. There's ways to fix this that haven't been implemented yet.

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@maddox please add an icon/placeholder for "more". Since only the highlighted tile has a text description, more just looks like a blank tile. Something as simple as the "3 dots" plex uses would work just to give new users a hint of what it's there for.

I’m gonna finally do this, it’s coming.


When on the guide, if you accidentally scroll all the way back do the menu on the left, you can’t swipe right to get back to the guide, you have to use the click/ok button instead. If you scroll down to another menu item, you can then swipe right to get back to the guide. It’s not a huge deal but feels a little awkward and less intuitive than just swiping back to the right to get where you want to be.