Channels DVR 2.1.16 won’t start

Upgraded one of my tv’s with an Android TV MiBox S to Channels DVR 2.1.16, the app will no longer start. I’ve tried clearing the cache, uninstall, reinstall, restart the server, nothing seems to work. I also have a Shield TV and Nexus Player on older versions and still working. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

I don't see 2.1.16 available on Amazon. I only see 2.1.15 on amazon under Apps. How can I update my firesticks 4k?

Why would you want to update when 2.1.16 appears to have problems ? I disabled autoupdate om my Cube until I see the problems with 2.1.16 resolved.

Same here app tries to open then closes

Unfortunately I must have re-enabled auto update somehow on the MiBox S. I don’t normally update any device if I don’t have to If things are running fine. Is there a way to downgrade to a previous working version? I believe I had 2.1.12 on the MiBox before the update.

Looks like this issue affects 32-bit ARM devices. We did our testing on the SHIELD where 2.1.16 appears to work fine since its an ARM64 box.

The 2.1.16 build was pulled from Amazon last night when the errors were noticed. We were unable to pull from Play Store, but have just uploaded 2.1.17 with a fix.


How long does it take the fix to show up on Amazon?

Depends how long Amazon takes to review it. Any where from a few hours to a few days.

How long for the Google Play store? I’m still seeing 2.1.16

Should show up on Play store in the next hour

Can the apk be downloaded directly?

Maybe you should get a Shield TV 2019 cylinder that is 32 bit for testing before releasing.:grinning:

Thanks for the quick fix!

Channels for Android version 2.1.17 is now available on the Google Play Store.

This resolves the issue from yesterday. You can manually update from the store to get it faster.