Channels DVR as PLEX tuner

I did, I spent over an hour doing that. I figured it out. Apparently you can only either do XMLTV or Built in Guide across the board. You can't do both. Once I deleted my existing OTA Tuners it gave me the option, but then will not let me add them back with the built in Guide. So, I am going to try using the XMLTV Files with and going direct with my OTA Tuners.

Yeah that drove me crazy for a while I too was trying to use XNLTV and Plex Built in guide Plex does not like that.

My biggest issue now is that my season pass recordings all need to be setup again, and now for some reason the two libraries (TV Recording and Local News) I used prior to this now don't show up, only movies. I don't want my TV recordings in my Movies folder.

Do you mean that you mapped the channels in XTEVE to the same channel number that Plex uses in the Plex Guide?


Did you do a test run and then copy down all of the Plex channel numbers then go back to XTEVE and re-map? Is it necessary to map channel numbers or were you just trying to get the best first match?


No I used the XML from Channels DVR and M3U from channels DVR .. I set XTEVE to XEPG and mapped the channels. I then set it up in Plex using their guide. I use their guide because if you use the XML from XTEVE all shows will show as new and you will not get the year of the show on the folder.

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OK. Everything seems good. I found that matching the channel name was more important than the number for the best matches with the plex guide. I'm still seeing about 5-6 seconds for a channel to come up once selected. Can you post a screenshot of your XTEVE settings? I'm wondering if I need to change something there to get the tuning times down.

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Nothing you can do about the Channel Change... XTEVE gets the request than passes it to Channels DVR so it is bound to be slower... I am going to test an SSD later on today.

So based on the naming of the channel you could map the TVE channels to the plex guide of say Comcast instead of local broadcast and it should work? That's my issues is mapping the TVE channels to a Plex guide channel.

Yeah. I used DirectTV in my area in the Plex guide. When I matched the call letters in the plex guide to the channel name in XTEVE mapping it was almost 100% matches when I went to set up the DVR. I think there were a couple that I had to change but it was because of DirecTV's numbering scheme with some channels.

Since I run Plex on Windows I was able to move the Plex Data to my SSD away from the C:\ drive to my SSD additional drive and channel changes have improved dramatically.

I had this working for a while and needed to reset everything up because of hard drive failure. Now whatever I do it ends up with a Playback error "Could not tune channel. Please check your tuner or antenna" in plex when trying to start a channel. I must be missing a step somewhere. Any help would be appreciated.

Did you setup XTEVE correctly and mapped the Channels?

I find the easiest way to get this going is to get the m3u from Channels DVR to a file. Then use notepad to change "channel-id=" to "tvg-id=' all ... Use the changed M3U in XTEVE ... that way when you use the XMLTV from Channels DVR XTEVE will automatically map the channels. XTEVE looks for tvg-id=


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="2.1" tvg-chno="2.1" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="20292" tvg-name="KATUDT" group-title="Favorites",ABC


#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="2.1" tvg-chno="2.1" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="20292" tvg-name="KATUDT" group-title="Favorites",ABC


here is what I just did.

  1. fixed the m3u file and used that in xteve
  2. used http://server ip:8089/devices/ANY/guide/xmltv?duration=1209600 for the xmltv
  3. clicked mapping and everything was mapped
  4. went to plex to add tuner, clicked on "have an XMLTV guide on server?" and entered http://server ip:8089/devices/ANY/guide/xmltv?duration=1209600 clicked continue and waited for the next screen.
  5. corrected any channels that needed correcting
  6. waited for guide data
  7. tryed to play a channel and got the error again.
    Not sure where I'm messing up.
    I tried the m3u in vlc and all channels work there.
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You should be using the XML from XTEVE also make sure you use the DVR ip from XTEVE as a tuners. Also make sure the client you are using Plex is shutdown as it caches channels .... I know on FireTV I have to force close the Plex Client. then restart it.
use XEPG URL from XTEVE as guide data it is already mapped.

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Ok, I tried using the XEPG URL from XTEVE and the channels were all mapped correctly in Plex so I clicked continue and waited for the guide. Same result.

Try restarting your plex server. You should also be able to look at the XTEVE log to see what command is being issued.

Here is what XTEVE says
2021/11/24 18:31:51 [xTeVe] Buffer: false [-]
2021/11/24 18:31:51 [xTeVe] Channel Name: HISTORY
2021/11/24 18:31:51 [xTeVe] Client User-Agent: Lavf/58.27.104
2021/11/24 18:31:51 [xTeVe] Streaming URL:
2021/11/24 18:31:51 [xTeVe] Streaming Info: URL was passed to the client.
2021/11/24 18:31:51 [xTeVe] Streaming Info: xTeVe is no longer involved, the client connects directly to the streaming server.

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Looks like your M3U is missing the format ...

2021-11-24 16:00:00 [xTeVe] Streaming URL:
2021-11-24 16:00:00 [xTeVe] Streaming Info: URL was passed to the client.

Try this format for Plex ... I do not use HLS for Plex.