Channels DVR as PLEX tuner

That worked. Thanks for your help.


I'd recommend using ffmpeg for the buffer. I get a better experience using it that way.

I tried FFMPEG it did not handle multiple streams at all plus it kept the tuners tied up.

All you need is on XTEVE> and that works great and closes the stream correctly.


Interesting.. I've had the opposite experience, but each one is definitely unique lol. I've found different requirements if I use a docker container vs native install.

On a different note, have you added the "Virtual" channels you can create to Plex using xteve? I've been battling that over the past few days and can't seem to figure out what happens. For instance, the Channels URL being passed to xteve is for the channel, but xteve nor plex can play the stream. Tried VLC and got the same "stream unsupported" error.

I use this as my playlist into xteve:

The channels play fine on my clients, but I don't think you can play virtual channels via the web. Maybe that's it?

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I really do not use the fancy stuff in Channels Like Virtual Channels , collections etc ... so maybe someone else can chime in.


Virtual Channels only work in the Channels app


It's mid-2022. Is there an accurate (windows, preferably) how-to anywhere on setting this up? Is XTEVE still required?


XTEVE is still required.


XTEVE is still required, and it isn’t really being maintained anymore. There have been several forks that have also died off.

If the Channels team is listening here, I’d really love to see them implement a native connection to Plex in Channels DVR Server. They’d do a great job, and make it much more accessible to a broader audience of users.

I’d happily pay extra for this :slight_smile:


Why would you even bother with Plex DVR as it is one of the worst ? I point Plex to my Channels DVR folders only because their collection feature is great,


I would not count on plex/channels official crossover. I don't believe it is in either companies best interest. They are competitors. Both companies are for profit. And have lots of crossover in festures.

If you want channels to integrate into something like Plex, I would look into kodi (which i don't like). I make assumption as to why CDVR made a Kodi plugin is because they are open source.

Maybe look at emby instead of plex.

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Emby is great! They do sooo many things great... but they are lacking in a few areas... specifically for the Apple Ecosystem. Still... waiting... on the Apple Silicon server version they said was coming in a week... back in May. If you don't use Mac OS on an Apple Silicon machine, then Emby is for you.

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availability. channels isn't available on roku or samsung natively.


It is so unreliable using XTEVE ... Get an ONN device or FireStick.

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Weird. You helped me in the past with your xteve setup and I'm having the opposite experience now. I feed channels to plex through xteve and haven't touched it since I got it running properly at the beginning of the year. We love it. Remote and home streaming. Live TV and all of our recording done in plex. It may be the placebo effect but comskip seems to be more accurate on plex. I probably have a more complex setup than most and it took some scripts to get it setup where I can do everything that I wanted to do in plex but it just works. Don't get me wrong, I love Channels and couldn't do this without it, but I want to access as few apps as possible to watch TV and this currently fits the bill.

My biggest hangup with channels has always been not having the live tv stream still running in the background when you bring up the guide during football games so I forced myself to start using Live TV with Plex. It didn't work great in the beginning. I actually quit using it more than once. Then I kept re-trying it every time that plex put out a new server update or AppleTV app update. All of a sudden one day everything seem to be much better. Couldn't tell you what it was. Once I played around with the settings for remote streaming and got those situated we have pretty much stopped using channels to watch anything.

Yeah I have since moved on to just using Channels DVR as far as going to the guide you can set Channels DVR for PIP while watching LiveTV.... on your clients.

Mostly because Plex nor EMBY have a way to record by Genre ... Actor etc...

Plus it is so much easier for me to record new Prime Time shows without knowing the names.

I have given up on that dream I.

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PIP has satisfied this for me.

Kodi for me.

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