Channels DVR Server Platform Updates for 2025

The following is our announced updates to platform support for 2025.

Please use this topic for any questions and helping each other with the transition.


good, trim the fat. get lean.


RIP Rpi4b. It was a very ROCK SOLID DVR server with the custom image.

But, since i moved my secondary DVR to a older Intel NUC running headless DietPi OS, it has been just as rock solid.


Several occurrences of "effected" in the support article that should be "affected".


Could you possibly share the percentage of users (not how many) on each platform?
Just curious.


Less than the percentage needed to justify the time and effort it takes them to maintain it.
And the Windows and Mac versions mentioned are EOL, no updates/support from Microsoft and Apple.

At least they're giving users about a 4 month notice.

Thank god for this community.


Yeah...might as well. I hope the resources saved will be used on getting the features people want in

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How many platforms must be axed... to get a Black/Dark theme for client apps???


Don't you mean What percentage of Channels: Whole Home DVR client users voted for that?

A great excuse to buy a new toy. Any recommendations for transcoding, Mac mini, bee link or other? I have a few 4K titles that are approaching 100gb and wouldn’t mind having the option of watching those, kind of avoid watching remotely at the minute

Very disappointing to drop the Raspberry Pi 4 support when it did work very well. Time to look else where.


Like the article says just install raspian or pi os, whatever they are calling it now days. I don’t see the huge issue here.


I'm one of the ones using the Channels Raspberry Pi Image on a RP 4b for my DVR.

Are there specific instructions on how to migrate THAT to a new Beelink mini? I think I'll just leave it on Windows 11 Pro that it comes with. I could just unplug the 4TB USB drive from the RP, and plug it into the new Beelink, but is it as easy as that? Or does the RP server boot image somehow also have to be removed from that drive?


It is actually well documented and straightforward. Just follow the instructions in the link below.

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I'm scared that many of those OS/platform combinations still exist in the wild!

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Yeah, but the dedicated Channels PI image might be a bit different, because I believe it includes a bootable Pi image? on the same USB drive as the server and saved tv shows and movies, etc.

So, I'm wondering if anything ELSE needs to be done in that case for migration, or if the RP boot image part on that same drive can just be ignored?

I know of some lab computers that are still running CP/M... They boot from old single-sided floppy drives.

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You will be able to plug the drive into a windows computer and have instant access to the storage portion you had previously.

Yes, there will still be the operating system partition on it. It doesn’t take up a lot of space though. So you can just continue using it like this.

If this bothers you, you’ll have to back up the storage parts, and format the drive, and move it back over.

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