Channels for hd homerun

I just got a new fire cube and had to reinstall channels for hd homerun. When I reinstalled, tge program will no longer allow me to connect to my channels server. What am I doing wrong?

The button is there to connect, but the function is gone! How can I fix this

Dan Lewis

What you want is Channels Whole Home DVR.

This one

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I have channels whole home DVR and I’ve also had channels DVR in the past. Both versions were able to connect to my channels server. Since I have more than one server I can connect to me server with tge whole home DVR and another server with the channels DVR for hd homerun

I wasn’t aware that channels did HDHomeRun had eliminated the ability to connect to my server. Is that the case? The Channels for HDHomeRun still has the button to connect if it doesn’t seem to work

Is this the intent of tge program?

Either version should work

What happens when you click the button?

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Amazon forced us to disable that button in the paid app. You could side load a beta apk

Where can I get the beta APK? Can you provide a link?

Dan Lewis

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