Chrome Capture for Channels

PBS via container is currently broken. Probably will be fixed soon, but it's a moving target.

Thanks for responses. We decided to train the elderly user on the Apple TV PBS app - it has the previous day's News Hour with just a short commercial at the beginning. We're coming off 20 years on Tivo/Cablecard.

That's kind of surprising. Do they use DRM or what's the hangup?

They changed the API, the PBS container is fixed now.

What's the process for getting it to work can you link the post?

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Start here: PBS Feeds - #192 by jcharr1

Anyone know how to set up Chrome Capture to record closed captions by default on some channels? Today I set up a recording on the Paramount Network and manually sat at my headless PC trying to trigger the CC button but couldn't figure it out. After futzing around and then plugging in a monitor directly, it turns out that the Spectrum UI was disabled somehow during the recording. I opened a new tab and the CC button appeared right away when I used the mouse. How can I make it where the menu is available for the recording or set it up to auto launch using the captions next time?

Use my code and chat gpt and make it mouse click like other sections for the watch.spectrum url for cc section

how can i install this???

Please read the thread:

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I am trying to run this on a 2018 Mac mini with a quad core i3 running at 3.6ghz and I am getting a jittery picture like it's not at full 30 or 60 fps. Plus I am getting random pauses and then speed ups in the video.

Is this Mac just to weak to run chrome capture?

Also the picture does not fill the screen. Mini is set to 1080P.

chrome capture is 30fps, though it often appears to be 60 and it looks pretty decent for 30fps in most applications even sports. The stuttering/lag is due to low cores. you need 8 threads to really make it work well, though 6 threads might work in some cases. Modern i3 work well but 2018 is too old for i3. I bought an i7 dell 7th gen i7 on ebay for 40 bucks and it works well.

well that is too bad. Thought I had my NBC Universal issue solved. Not really worth me buying another computer. My only more powerful Mac is an M1 Mac mini, but I use that for work and don't feel comfortable having it running Chrome in the background.

Can u post the Dell info?? Also what I7 are u running as I have an I5-8500 in an HP G4 and was thinking of uping the CPU To maybe help the NBC stuff

I was not able to get the Docker version of CC4C working on my Windows 10 machine, but I did get far enough to find out that port 5589 was "reserved" and would prevent the container from starting. 5700:5589 allowed the container to start cleanly (but not respond to Channels).

The Windows .EXE version does work (sort of). The video plays fine, but the sound keeps cutting in and out and is not synchronized with the video.

Could this have anything to do with my ports? Is there any way to get the .EXE version to use a different port?

Any other ideas?

My fullscreen solution (using a Chrome extension that automatically makes videos play in full screen) is suddenly no longer working, as the version of Chrome that runs (puppeteer?) now won't load any extensions.

Is there a definitive method for getting YouTube TV streams to open in full screen? I've read through these posts, and there is talk of modifying node.js. My node.js does include this:

const viewport = {
  width: 1920,
  height: 1080,

That doesn't do the trick. Even with Chrome in fullscreen, it seems YouTube TV requires typing "f" or selecting full screen for the actual video to fill the window.

Hello all,

I have CC4C set up and it is working overall, but I'm running into a few issues that I need some help resolving:

  1. The recording will occasionally screw up with the audio and video appearing to be sped up. From what I can tell, it seems to do this when there is some other computer processes going on in the background. This also occurs when I'm recording a second stream.

  2. Occasionally, the video will freeze, but the audio continues and is otherwise normal. There doesn't seem to be any particular trigger, though it's happened a couple times when I fast forwarded through a good bit of the video while it was recording. But, other times it worked just fine.

  3. It doesn't always display as full screen (there are black bars on the top and bottom) and sometimes even switches between full and partial screen during the recording. If I notice it in real time, I can go to the Chrome tab and click the full screen button and it will fix it. It seems random.

Items 1 & 2 appear to be related to system performance, but I am running a new Minisforum mini PC with pretty solid specs (AMD Ryzen 7 8745H, integrated Radeon 780M, and 32gb DDR5 5600Mhz), so it doesn't seem like hardware should be a limiting factor here. For reference here are screenshots of the Task Manager Performance tab. The first one is with one recording and the second is with two recordings:

I am running the latest main.js, but have added a few extra arguments that I took from @doug8796's custom file. Those are:


Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

I've tried CC4C, and while I think it's a great idea, it has too many issues in my opinion. I have a machine that meets or slightly exceeds your specs, but I couldn’t get past the frame drops, sync issues, and stuttering. I switched to ADBTuner with an Onn Pro and an HDMI encoder, and the difference has been night and day. The quality with the Onn boxes and YouTube TV is actually better than regular TVE.

ADBTuner is incredibly stable and tunes each channel in under two seconds. I’ve had zero issues with it.

That said, I’m not knocking the project—I think it’s cool, and some people here have done tremendous work with it. For me, though, it just doesn’t meet the "wife acceptance factor."

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Something I've been meaning to mention in this thread:

I've seen some people suggesting buying hardware just for CC4C. This, to me, would take away the whole point! CC4C is for using your existing hardware if you don't have the resources or desire to expand into new stuff. If you are going to start buying things, ADBTuner is by far the superior option!


I created a fork to add support for Sling TV (unmute/fullscreen) and Google Photo Albums (slideshow) as well as some other browser optimizations (only tested & built the .exe on Windows - see Releases). For determining Sling TV links, be sure to use the portion of the URI that you see when you click the channel logo in the Sling Guide.

I added the option to change input parameters for size, bitrate, codecs, etc. at startup too. (e.g. you can change the default video codec if you don't have an Nvidia card.)

Many thanks to @tmm1, @doug8796, @babsonnexus, and others on this thread for their great work on this!

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