PBS Feeds

Looks like she updated it an hour ago but it's still broken, the missing attribute is stationData now.

Your issue was closed.

Says our intrepid developer:


And thus I did and can confirm it is working! Thanks @miibeez for the quick fix!

However, please be aware that the fix changed the channel-id value in the m3u. As such, these are now going to be "new" stations and you'll need to treat them as such.


That said, if you are using Playlist Manager (PLM), this was a breeze. I just had to assign my new stations to the existing Parents, update the m3u, and refresh in Channels. Once I did so, my preexisting Channels Collection with my PBS stations still in it worked as always.

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I guess I don't understand, this is what I have in my lineup settings for WUCF for example:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="WUCF" channel-number=“9001” tvg-logo="https://image.pbs.org/stations/wucf-white-cobranded-logo-1mnnrb8.png",WUCF

How do I get the new channel IDs? If I try to access the m3u in browser it tries to play video.

@miibeez Thank You! :smile:

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You have to change your playlist type from Text to URL and use the URL from the container.
Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 14-33-02

/pbs/watch/callsign no longer works. Then map the guide data in Channels to your station.
With the new container, it changed the

Does that help?

If anyone else happens to be in a situation like where your Starlink IP address is based in a different state than where you actually live and the container gives you the wrong station, it's possible to create a custom m3u that points to your station instead. Here's my example for LPB:

#EXTINF:-1,channel-id="3b9285dd-13b3-4fec-a9b0-02b57dd8c7ba" channel-number="27" tvc-guide-stationid="24958" tvg-logo="https://image.pbs.org/stations/wlpb-color-single-brand-logo-YwxZbmQ.png" group-title="Local",WLPBDT

To find the station id to put after /watch/ you'll need to be on a computer that you can play the correct station and view the page source. Open the livestream page in your browser. For Safari go to Develop->Show Page source in the menu. For Chrome go to View->Developer->View Source. In the source window that shows up search for station_id. It's the string of characters after the =. Just copy and paste the id into your own custom m3u file after /watch/ and customize any other settings you want. Load up your custom m3u into Channels and you should be good to go.


Thanks. I like that method.
It allows me to use a custom tvg-logo for the channel that way.
Before you posted, I wasn't sure what the /watch/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx was, or if it might change for a station.

Oh no, this really sucks - now I can't get anything other than my local PBS station from the feed. I had 5 Florida stations loaded up before.

We need a list of station IDs - they do work out of area because I just tried LPB. Then all you have to do is swap your current list one for one with the new IDs.

Update: you can get all the station IDs you want by going to the WETA Livestream page, then clicking on the channel logo in upper right, then change the channel manually to wherever. Then view developer source and search for station_id. Very painful but it does work and you only have to do it once.




I'm still contemplating something that might take less than the length of several universes...

I went back to using the playlist URL.
Never know if they can/will change the station_id.

This worked like a charm. A little challenge the first time to find the string, but after that easy to find it for all 4 of my PBS stations.

There's plenty of stuff that only certain stations run, which is why I have five loaded up. If you're happy with just your local station then it's the best way to go about it but I wanted more.

We're always going to be chasing the latest PBS changes with this kind of hack.

My PBS hasn't been working for a while, just got around to trying to resolve. Still can't get it to work:


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="9f860866-5985-487e-8191-0a2c49d5d6bb",WQED

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?

This is one of mine.


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="WNPT" channel-number=“8.1”,WNPT

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There must be something wrong with my PBS docker install then, nothing works for me to get PBS working again. I installed / reinstalled the docker entry, but nothing.

This is what I have now:


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="WQED" channel-number=“13.1”,WQED

did you update to the latest version from milibeez?

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I did... however it did not seem to update the way they have in the past. Only a one line response. Not sure if that's normal for the milibeez install:

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I used:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name VLC_Bridge_PBS -p 7777:7777 registry.gitlab.com/miibeez/vlc-bridge-pbs

Just tried that and same thing. Similar looking response in the command line. Still doesn't work.