Clock on Channels DVR GUI?

the feature wasn't necessary. Apple TV users simply didn't know how to use their remotes. Maybe it is the same case with android?

Android does not have that feature. So it is not the same.

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Android can have any features that an app allows. There's a clock in many of the guides and tv apps like Plex and different streaming services on Android. In fact most others apps that have a tv guide have a clock on the guide page. Not like every other app on Android is a miracle for having a clock lol.

By that flawed logic, any new shortcut offered as a feature is unnecessary too, because more remote-savvy users should know the longer way to get there. It’s kind of a silly argument against the clock, especially when someone (or a family together) is actively browsing the grid. Maybe a toggle in settings for clock display would make everyone happy?

But, I mean, what’s lost by displaying the clock in the grid? That relevant info fits so naturally and intuitively there. All I’m seeing is one big gain. It’s a decided "step up."


I prefer a clock that displays star date or nothing at all.


Nah, unix epoch time in octal or hexadecimal please.


Android time!


Woohoo! Welcome to the party. It's great to see you're on time :wink:

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Who needs to wait a month? It's already Christmas morning over here! Woo hoo!


What client device are you using to get the time in the guides?

Apple TV. Although I believe the clock has also been added for Android TV clients, in the beta at least.

Thank you, I don't have it yet on android. Oh well

tvOS/iOS Beta clock
Android/Fire TV Beta clock

Thank you

lol, YouTube TV is following in our footsteps :slight_smile:


Everyone caves.