Connection Lost - Streaming to the tuner failed

Hi all,
I installed the ChannelsDVR on my Qnap Nas and run it through there. I added a m3u link for the live channels and it loads just fine.
The problem it that I installed the app on my Firestick and it automatically loaded the source and preferences. However, any channel I clicked on give me the Connection Lost - Streamin to the tuner failed. Press play....
It worked at one point but I reworked the m3u list and tried to load it. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app on both the Nas and Firestick but no luck.

Please advise.

Did you look in the logs ... Also make sure you have the right format when you define the M3U HLS or TS.

Thanks, but what am I looking for in the logs?
I have it on HLS and added the m3u link.

Using a web browser go to the servers web ui , guide and try to play a channel from there. Will it play or does it fail to play? If it fails go to the logs and post the last 30 or so lines.