Custom channel q: playlist type

Trying set set up a custom channel for Progressive Voices stream. Getting error message I can't figure out how to resolve, after about a day of browsing docs and trying things. My setup:

The M3U:

#EXTINF:-1,channel-id="PVN" channel-number="1" tvg-name="PVN" tvc-guide-title="PVN" tvc-guide-description="Progressive Voices Network",tvc-guide-placeholders="7200",PVN

I get a channel 1 in the guide with hourly default names, when I try to play on my Android phone, iPad or Apple TV, the error message is

Streaming to the tuner failed. Press play to try again.
M3U: Could not parse playlist from Can't detect playlist type

I'm not concerned with populating the guide with the programming (I don't think there's an XMLTV for it), the default names are fine, but I would like to be able to play and record this stream. What is my fix?

Twitch URLs aren’t accessible to Channels without first using a tool to extract the HLS stream. In the past I used HLSTube to get there though:

HLSTube has been deprecated and the developer offers this as a replacement. I haven’t tried it yet though: GitHub - AlexxIT/go2rtc: Ultimate camera streaming application with support RTSP, RTMP, HTTP-FLV, WebRTC, MSE, HLS, MP4, MJPEG, HomeKit, FFmpeg, etc.

To be more specific, the URL you used for your streaming URL, is a URL to a web page, not to a video stream.

You need to provide a URL to a video.

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