Default Source for Channel Logos

Is there a way to set channels to use the channel logos through channels/EPG mapping as opposed to from an m3u source? I use an m3u link with some broken links, which I can clear - but the provider regularly updates the list and they come back. Currently I have to manually go in and clear the broken links again, and then choose re-download channel logos.

It'd be easier if I could set channels to ignore the channel logos from the provider and use the ones channels provides.

This has been requested before and we agree. It’s on the list.


Same exact issue here.I fixed it a few times by manually updating the obsolete logo links in editor and replacing but it’s a hassle.if could select from logos from server instead of playlist would make channels dvr so much better..Thank you for considering this request

Please try the new prerelease.

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Just to confirm, this change will mean that whatever guide data is being used, will be the default preference for channel logos? So - if I am using the channels guide rather than a custom XML URL for guide data, the nice logos channels provides will be used? (I'm hoping this is the case!)


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Is there a way to toggle this? Sounds like I may be in the minority here, but I put custom logos with an m3u editor, but use Channels guide data not xml list. It's defaulting to logo provided by Channels data and not my custom logo. I would prefer my custom logo from the m3u source (added in the editor). ETA: I guess my point is that I wish we had to option to choose where the logo is pulled from in the settings for each source.

I'm in the same boat as @cculpepp. Either via an option as suggested by @cculpepp or maybe use a new Channels Extension tag, e.g. tvc-logo-url that would get a preferred treatment over the new XMLTV guide data feature and Gracenote.

Agree with an override option. I prefer my local affiliate logo for my ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CW and PBS logo over the general logo. Granted this is only a handful of stations but would still prefer to have these back

I agree - this threw off my whole guide, because my EPG source WebGrab+Plus uses inconsistent and outdated logos. I uploaded my custom logos directly to channels under images and linked them in M3U. I think M3U should always be preferred or there should be a setting to choose the default logo source.

We'll add an option so you can pick which side should provide logos


I disagree with the former, but do agree with the latter.

The default should be to prefer the guide-provided logo, whether through tvc-guide-stationid in the M3U playlist or from the icon entity in the XMLTV. However, the Custom Channel settings ought to include an selector to choose which logo should be preferred: the tvg-logo from the playlist, the icon from the XMLTV, or Channels' own logo when a tvc-guide-stationid is provided.

Oh wow, will this allow us to change the illegibly small new logo that KCAL foisted upon us? It's a local OTA channel from my HDHomeRun.

Edit to add: I see this, so yeah, I'm off to the races! Thanks all :partying_face:

I struggled with overriding a logo with a logo. You have to not void out the lineup. It will leave you with 2 channels each with different logos if I remember correctly. You could favorite the logo you like but there will always be a double entry in the “all” collection. I also think I saw this in the mlb I was working on so you may need to ditch the station Id.

This is how I did it for mlb. Notice the different logos on same channel 777 on two different channel collections

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id=“KCR" channel-number="777" tvg-logo=“” ,tvg-name="KCR",KANSAS CITY ROYALS

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id=“STL" channel-number="788" tvg-logo=“” ,tvg-name="STL",ST LOUIS CARDINALS

Would be great to have the option. I spent a lot of time setting up my own logos in Tvheadend and now they have reverted.

A setting was added to Custom Channels in the latest prerelease

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I keep toggling this setting but I keep getting these square logos on the Samsung TV+ any way to get it to match the other sources or change these block logos? Any guidance would be appreciative.

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