Deleted Episodes returning?

Has anyone experienced the issue of deleted shows showing back up in the library?

For instance, we've recently watched Young Sheldon, E04S04 (From Dec 3) and deleted the show.
It is now back in our library to watch. I don't know if it got re-recorded or if Channels pulled it out of the trash.

I do have a 3-day delay on deleted shows, but this show should be in the trash and possibly gone, not in the library.

Is it still in the trash on your DVR web UI?
Is it listed in the DVR web UI recordings still?

Not sure what client device you're using as you didn't state or post in a device specific forum section.
When troubleshooting these type issues I always look at the DVR web UI since all clients get their data from that server.

Only other way I know of for it to come back would be if your series pass is set to re-record deleted episodes, or someone recovered it from the trash.

Sorry - my client Device is the Apple TV 4K
Series pass is set to record only New Episodes.
On the client device I don't see it in the Trash, I don't know where/how to view this in the DVR UI. However, it may be after the 3-day hold. (Never mind - I found the trash in the UI)

I don't know if anywhere in the recording tells me the source. When I click on View Details, this is all I get


My Sources (in priority order):
(2) HDHR-4US (8 Tuners)
Pluto . TV

Strange, all of my recordings detail views show the source channel right under Streaming Index.
Maybe you're using a m3u or something else for a source, or it's Imported?

If it's Imported, you can delete the source recording and it still shows up until you Prune Deleted on Local Content.

Yes - I'm migrating from a short stint with Plex DVR (it lacks a LOT of features). That show is part of the import.
I deleted the show from Channels, but the file is still physically on the drive.

I did a Prune deleted, but nothing happened - ie, it stayed out of the library, but still in Trash. File still on drive.

So I went into trash and did a Delete Now for the file and it removed from the Trash - file remained.

Did another Prune - file still remained.

Did another Scan Sources (which I'm assuming Channels does this routinely, though I did have to restart Channels last Saturday) - this caused the Show to reappear in the Library.

So Channels must be doing another scan and reimporting the show(s)?

Channels does not delete imported content. It will temporarily remove it from its database (and it will appear be deleted), but it will be re-added when the import directory is scanned again, which happens every 5 minutes or so.

You must delete the actual file outside of Channels, then prune the imported source.

Yes, Channels will scan your Imports every 5 minutes. Only way to keep it from Importing something is to move it out of the directory you Import from.

Thanks everyone - it does makes sense that Channels will not physically delete imported content.

Mystery solved! :smiley:

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Starting with v2021.02.24.2307, imported videos which have been sent to Trash will be deleted off of the disk when the Trash is cleaned out. This fixes the issue where deleting an imported video would make it reappear after a few days (when it got scanned in again).

In the latest client betas, you can now set Allow Delete to Just DVR Recordings.

In the latest server prerelease, you can now force all your clients to have specific settings. See Beta - Server Side Client Settings