If this is in fact true there is nothing we can do but wait it out. I wonder if posting more details regarding successful vs unsuccessful rescans will help. For example, I have been unable to regain my whole channel selection. I was down to 105/204 but regained 5 so now I'm at 110/204. Subscribed to Premier via Satellite. Currently trying a remove source, add source on 2021.12.07.0051. Also uninstalled anti-virus for this scan.
I too had this issue and this thread was very helpful to me.....as well as some time passing.
Daily I would I removed DirecTV and reinstalled it as a source. Finally yesterday I went from 75 channels to 149 channels and got back the key ones I needed.
BTW: I have (2) HDHR Prime 3s and use DirecTV to fill in the few channels missing from my cable service inc. the Paramount channel.
A recent Channels DVR pre-release fixed my issue with TVE. My old login still gets "Terms of Service" screen when logging in and with it and the pre-release I got all my channels back.
Thanks for your good service.
Finally working again here too. I updated to latest pre release server and now getting all of my channels. I still have the terms of service agreement every time I log into Directv.
@tmm1 Aman - was this part of the most recent update, or did this happen on the AT&T side?
Speculation: The seeming randomness of the issue occurring and resolving itself makes me wonder if it's a timing issue. Maybe the channels that failed to authorize took a few seconds longer to pass through the authentication process and timed out?
Speculaton pt. 2: Not all Directv customers have the same history. Newer customers who signed up after AT&T after they merged their website with Directv might not have any issues. I've been with Directv since it was owned by Hughs, so my account has gone through several significant changes over the decades.
It is fixed for me as well! Thank you to the Channels DVR developers for figuring out how to get this working.
The terms of service issue was fixed in this build:
TVE auth improvements for Xfinity and DTV
Thank you for sending in diagnostics which showed the issue.
Thank you for fixing this. You guys rock!
Upgraded to latest beta & that fixed every channel except MTV (tried rescan multiple times for this channel) where I still get:
notAuthorized: 0070-We updated our app. Just sign out and sign back into AT&T TV or AT&T….
I'm glad other users have solved their issues. I, unfortunately, have not. I did all the recommended steps here including updating to the latest pre-release. Nothing has yet worked for my setup. I submitted diagnostics: 39552cd2-12e1-4531-93fc-9b3ba49ecad3
Looks like you have multiple accounts, because the DVR is getting stuck at this screen.
Maybe you can create a secondary account in the correct subscription and use that for the DVR.
Thanks! The AT&T account is for a cell phone line. What's weird is it doesn't affect all channels as I can access some. I'll look into splitting the accounts if there is no other alternative.

I'll look into splitting the accounts if there is no other alternative.
You don't need to "split" it. In the DirecTV account settings page is an option to create a secondary account. That secondary account can basically perform all of the same actions that your primary DirecTV account can, including authenticate for TV Everywhere.
Originally some networks would not work with the secondary account because they were still using the old login/auth backend, which did not support secondary accounts. But earlier today I checked, and all networks have transitioned to the new auth servers. So, you should not have any issues with using the secondary account just for TVE.
Appreciate the help guys. I am in the DirecTV settings now and do not see an option to split the accounts. I wonder if I have to do this in the AT&T site?

I am in the DirecTV settings now and do not see an option to split the accounts.
As I said, I don't believe splitting is necessary. But a secondary user will achieve the same result, I believe.
From the account/profile menu (upper-right in the site), select "Manage Profile". From there, scroll down to the "Account settings" section, and select the "Account users" link. That will take you to a page where you can add "Secondary users" to your account, under a separate email address.
Thanks again for the help. DirecTV must have changed their options because the, "Account Users" link is not on my screen. When I go to Manage Profile I'm brought to the screen I uploaded. I have gone through various options and have not found a Secondary Users. This is through the DirecTV account.
Ok, after digging around I found it in the AT&T settings. I requested to add a secondary user but it is not immediate. I'll report back in case anyone else has the same scenario.
Just thought I'd give an update. Thanks to the dev team for noticing the double account error I was able to resolve my issue. Creating a sub account was no longer an option but simply changing the email address of one of the accounts resolved it. Thanks to all that chimed in with suggestions. Those suggestions led me to my resolution.
Is anybody else seeing this issue again? It seems like something similar is going on right now with mine. I lost authorization to all channels so i tried a rescan and now i can't authenticate. Looks like through the app i'm getting the terms and conditions screen every time i login.
Yes I can't watch any DTV channels (OTA works). Either says auth failed or playback failed. It was working until yesterday. Tried updating to latest beta 2022.07.06.1622, which did not help. I can successfully authorize and watch directly from channel's websites.
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