I was wondering, I don’t have a live tv service nor need one. Does Channels have the ability to record the so called FAST channels and are they on the guide?
It's possible but it requires technical ability to setup and server and integrate certain FAST services.
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Many Channels users bring FAST channels into their server via the “custom channels” feature. Most of these resources work best with docker sources versus simple M3U and EPG urls. You will need to educate yourself on this. There are a lot of threads on this forum as well as articles provided on the main getchannels.com website. I’ll link a few sources below.
If you manage to get OliveTin working, you can use this to easily install the most popular FAST services.
Depending on the channels/content you need, you can get by without a subscription. HDHR has OTA units and obviously there's plenty of FAST options to pipe in with Custom Channels