My DVR says DVR: USA-OTA85248
I just remembered that I had tried FitzyTV and was able to sign up my Youtube TV account! Fitzy was so inferior to Channels that I eventually canceled. The problem I am having with your setup is when I search for channel providers YoutubeTV is listed!!!
I found it!
I'm having trouble logging in with my new YouTube TV subscription, i keep getting this screen
I've tried all the tips on this thread, but still nothing. Please help! I paid for a whole year in advance and with Locast gone, I got nothing to use channels with
See the YouTube TV thread on the forum.
People are reporting it works if you sign up a new Google account and use that.
Sign up for channels or YouTube TV with a new Google account?
Also I think Two Factor Authentication has to be turned off (on the Google account that's trying to log in.)
So to summarize, I have to cancel my current YTTV account, and start a new one with a newly made Gmail account? I ask because YTTV won't let me change emails on my current account. Just FYI this is getting highly complicated and I'm regretting having paid for a year in advance of Channels DVR! Will they refund me the balance of what I haven't used if this doesn't work?
Another alternative which is working for some people is to sign up a new gmail, then add that to your YTTV as a family member and use that to auth the DVR.
If you need a refund you can email
So any ideas on how to get around this? I'm trying a new gmail account but it keeps returning the following. BTW, I created the new login and saved it to my google families. So I don't set everything up again.
Captcha usually only appears when there is a VPN running on your DVR NAS
Nope. I have a Synology with no VPN profiles. Any other thoughts? Thanks for the quick response.
What’s Synacor?
I have no idea.
You're a star!!! That worked! Thank you. A side question, will the "Passes" I created while using Locast work on YouTube?
Awesome thanks!