DVR local storage question

I want to add a second hard disk to my Channels DVR server. It appears that the primary storage can only be at one location. I have no interest in manually moving my existing recordings to another storage device.

So my question is this:

Is it okay for me to take 2 physical hard disks and stripe them so that they appear as one local storage?

yes ... As long as your Server OS supports Stripping.

You can do that, but you can also just relegate your existing storage location as an "additional storage path", and then set the new drive as your primary location. That way all over your previous recordings stay right where they are, and the new (empty) drive can take all of your new/future recordings.

Here is the (extensive) thread about storage paths:

(Also, I would recommend against RAID0/striping or JOBD: if either drive fails, you've lost the whole pool!)

Oh that is not a bad idea.

And thanks for that link. I will read through that and educate myself.

It is currently quite annoying to swap to another primary, but that is the recommended workflow. One of these days I'll add a one-click button to turn additional storage into the primary.

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The process isn't that difficult:

  1. Disable the DVR
  2. Add the current primary path as an additional path
  3. Set the new location as the DVR/primary path
  4. Re-enable the DVR

"one of these days"

That made me laugh. I know how busy you are.

That is the exact process I use when adding additional drives ... the process you describe above you can just keep adding drives as they get full.... much better than moving files to another drive.

Maybe they should update their docs to include this procedure it is the cleanest and easiest.

Don't you need to copy the primary folders from the existing primary path to the new one?

No because the Primary DB and all settings are contained on the main System Drive. The DVR will create all necessary directories and files on the new HD.

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