DVR server not working after Shield 9.0.0 update

If someone can capture a bugreport using adb when the storage becomes unresponsive, and please email to

Soon as I get the notification for the hot fix, I will be resetting my shield then installing it. If some of these issues disappear after those steps, including the DVR freezing, we can't exactly fault channels.

Or I can wait until it crashes again, get the adb logcat, submit and verify you have what you need @tmm1 then perform the update steps and begin to assess what problems still remain.

On a side note, I am magically able to browse my internal now, but not the external, and I've done absolutely nothing.

I do not have the hot fix installed and I haven't noticed any issues outside of the screen. Sometimes going black. Going out of the video and going back in typically fixes it and I have noticed this with other apps, not just channels. I don't use mine all the time either so maybe its crashing and I don't realize it. But I have not had to restart my shield since I installed the pre-release.

Just did. I updated to the latest hotfix and managed to snag the stack.txt while it was hanging.

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Thanks, that was very helpful.

I would also like an adb bugreport if anyone is able to capture that.

With this build, I added a new url http://x.x.x.x:8089/logs/android which I would also like someone to file>save and send to me when the shield gets in the stuck state.

Factory reset then installed the hotfix. Restored the DVR and she's watching 20/20.

I'm able to browse both storages over network and on the device. Nothing else to report. Everything seems to be working for now.

If you tell me how I can do that (I have a Mac), happy to help. I also added the new prerelease so when it hangs I’ll try to get another bug report.

You can send it directly to nvidia:

Settings > Device Preferences > About > Send feedback to NVIDIA (please mention “Channels” in the feedback comment).

Please also install hotfix2 so we are not chasing bugs already fixed.

Is it recommended to run the Channels DVR beta as well during this time, or just stay up to date with pre-release server versions?

I’m also having a problem with the server hanging up the system. I upgraded with 2 hot fixes, server works for awhile but then video won’t play. Try to go to storage from settings but hangs after I press it. Once I exit I then cannot get back into settings. Sent feedback to Nvidia. Also tried to get log from [/logs/android] but just get 404 not found. I’m on 01.22.0137

Nvidia is still looking for more feedback submitted by users who have installed hotfix2 and still having issues.

Running hotfix2, and full reset before installing it.
Still having issues as well. The black screen, back out, go back in issue, and the server unresponsive requiring a reboot but I think it's worth mentioning that when that happens, the ota hdhr channels continue to work, it's the tve channels that break. Spinning circle when trying to load the interface. I'll get whatever y'all need or try to anyways, been busy with work, and just been dealing with it.

Please run adb bugreport once it gets stuck and send me the zip file it creates

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My device now gets hung to the point that I have to power cycle the shield. Any word on how far we are from getting a more solid fix?

I attached a new HDD to my shield today and got the same issue. Only way to fix was reboot. Home Screen on the device wouldn't load and was all black. The task switcher still worked.

Since then I've been trying to make it happen again with debug attached, but it hasn't yet.

Manually sleep your SHIELD, it should accelerate the crash.

Decided to test my shield again. Reset to factory and installed shield hot fix. Reloaded the Channels server with the latest pre-release. Everything was working normally with the external storage. Started 3 channels recording and then tried various live channels on the web browser forcing the transcoder to be used. It was struggling to keep up. After a few minutes, it locked up completely. The shield's external storage system was no longer working. Had to reboot the shield to recover. Noticed in the log file that I had many buffer warnings right before the failure. I do not know how to run the debug system, and I probably do not want to learn. I have moved my channels server to a Beelink U59 windows machine and it seems to work just fine. I am hooked on the Channels software now.

So it seems the behavior only occurs when the external storage is used as the DVR, not the internal.

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