DVR server not working after Shield 9.0.0 update

No effect on TVE

So I understand correctly: the hot fix should prevent the pre-release dvr server to time out after a while or during recording?

Strange. I have had my servers running on a powerful Intel NUC, now 2 RPi4's, never had any lag or slowness with manual commercial skipping, even when client is behind multiple switches and long cable runs from the server. Sounds more like an issue with your network.


One glitch I forgot to mention: when playing a recording, playback starts with sound and a blank screen -- no picture. I had to back out of playback and restart from the beginning to get the picture. Have you noticed this?

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I would hope it is not a network problem. My Media-PC is i3 based and I have no problems steaming full bitrate BD rips to my shields. The Shields are connected to the Media-PC using Powerline adapters. The Channels speed test to the DVR server shows 140Mbps download speed. That should be quite sufficient.

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It happened to me once.

I’ve not noticed that. Anything I’ve scheduled to record fails to record more than 2 minutes and then the server becomes unresponsive and I have to reboot the shield.

those are terrible for latency and jitter.
MOCA is much better, so I am told.
Always use ethernet cables...when at all possible, good wifi if not possible, powerline is last resort.

Same problem here - I’ve had to reboot my shield daily because the server went unresponsive :frowning:

If someone can capture a bugreport using adb when the storage becomes unresponsive, and please email to

Soon as I get the notification for the hot fix, I will be resetting my shield then installing it. If some of these issues disappear after those steps, including the DVR freezing, we can't exactly fault channels.

Or I can wait until it crashes again, get the adb logcat, submit and verify you have what you need @tmm1 then perform the update steps and begin to assess what problems still remain.

On a side note, I am magically able to browse my internal now, but not the external, and I've done absolutely nothing.

I do not have the hot fix installed and I haven't noticed any issues outside of the screen. Sometimes going black. Going out of the video and going back in typically fixes it and I have noticed this with other apps, not just channels. I don't use mine all the time either so maybe its crashing and I don't realize it. But I have not had to restart my shield since I installed the pre-release.

Just did. I updated to the latest hotfix and managed to snag the stack.txt while it was hanging.

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Thanks, that was very helpful.

I would also like an adb bugreport if anyone is able to capture that.

With this build, I added a new url http://x.x.x.x:8089/logs/android which I would also like someone to file>save and send to me when the shield gets in the stuck state.

Factory reset then installed the hotfix. Restored the DVR and she's watching 20/20.

I'm able to browse both storages over network and on the device. Nothing else to report. Everything seems to be working for now.

If you tell me how I can do that (I have a Mac), happy to help. I also added the new prerelease so when it hangs I’ll try to get another bug report.

You can send it directly to nvidia:

Settings > Device Preferences > About > Send feedback to NVIDIA (please mention “Channels” in the feedback comment).

Please also install hotfix2 so we are not chasing bugs already fixed.