DVR State of the Union - July 2016

EyeTV will take over the whole screen. However there is an app called Air Parrot that you can use to send EyeTV only to the Apple TV (in full screen) while still being able to use your iMac’s screen for anything else.

Thanks again Nigel - I will look at that too

Is it Fall yet? :wink:


Any chance of a “DVR State of the Union - September 2016” update? How things are progressing?

YES! Lots of great info to share! I’ll try to work one up early next week.

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Excellent, can’t wait to hear the news!

I forget if this was mentioned before but will the linux version also be released with a docker image? I just purchased a NAS (probably should have waited) that has support for docker and lxc so I should be able to easily port whatever linux version you had in mind. If not I guess I could probably just make one and open source it assuming your not doing anything crazy with the kernel or require some sort of custom device.

please throw us a bone. don’t “nick” out on us.

September update here

Check out the December DVR State of the Union!

Channels DVR is now available in a Public Beta. You can learn more about it on the announcement thread