DVR Wishlist

I have been using the DVR for a few weeks now and love it! I do have a few suggestions from a user perspective that I think would increase its functionality.

  1. Order recordings in chronological order by season and episode. If you are recording shows from the past or even in the future, it would be nice to see them in order by season and episode (or give an option to do that).

  2. Autoplay. This is one of the features that makes netflix so addictive and other DVR’s have started to implement this. If you ordered the episodes in chronological order then making them auto play would be ideal.

  3. I’m not sure on the new layout of the Recordings section. I liked seeing all my recordings at once by default. It was better than having to scroll to see my selection. I know you can still get to that view but I think an option to leave one view as default could give the best of both worlds.

Thanks for all your work on this! I really do love it and can’t wait to see it keep moving forward.

The first thing I do when I find auto play is disable it. That is the most annoying invention since the “sippy cup”.


That is why I feel it should be an option. I would much rather have my next episode play than have to click multiple times to get there. Gives you an alert next episode playing in 15 seconds with option to cancel.

And you don’t like the “sippy cup”? You would rather kids spill drinks all over themselves?

uh, yeah. I never gave my kids a “binky” or a “sippy cup”. And they just learned to quiet themselves and understand how regular cups work at an earlier age.

watching my kids with their kids, its mind-boggling.

and default auto-play to off. Let’s let the world go back to sleep at a decent hour, and not entice them to watch “just one more episode”. maybe the US would be nicer if people got better sleep.

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So autoplay could be an option, then. To continue by watching the next available episode (in the correct episode order).

+1 to all suggestions.

There are some shows that are not designed for each episode to be completely stand-alone. The episodes are like chapters in a book. The best way to read a book is from the beginning to the end, rather than jumping around to random chapters until you have read them all.

I do think the new recordings view could eventually work, it just currently takes a lot of screen space to add sorting options that are incomplete. And it still doesn’t offer all of the functionality of the web-ui.

I’m also not sure I like the new layout but will give it a few more days before making a firm decision.

How could someone be annoyed by sippy cups? Don’t use them if you don’t like them. Parents need to get off their high horse and stop assuming there’s only one way to do it right, or that all kids are like theirs.


  1. +1
  2. +1
  3. I like improving the recordings area, the old grid needed an improvement, I really like the alphabetical and chronological sorting. I also like movies being integrated into the recordings list, the old organization led me to frequently not realizing I had any movies recorded. But this layout has downsides, I am not sold on it either. I would like to be able to scroll to the right forever. Maybe click on the heading or something like that to pop open the section?

I’m not a fan of the new layout; the old layout let me see more shows at once. The new layout has many of the same shows in the top and bottom rows.

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I agree with having the option to enable autoplay of the next episode in a recorded series.
Additionally, it would be useful to have the episodes organized by season then episode. Organizing by air date is not as useful. While I realize the DVR is not intended to be a media manager like Plex or Kodi, it would be nice to have the option to organize the library by various available metadata captured by the system. Since the data is available, it would be nice to use it.

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Air Date (Original Air Date) was meant to simulate a Sxx/Exx sort, however if metadata is incorrect from broadcaster then the sort won’t be correct.

I have 2 long term (recording reruns) series; the first with 1 discrepancy on the 5 season weekly show, so far >100 episodes. The other (Air Disasters) is a total mess due to some shows with S/E in the title and air dates in metadata, however others are identified with original air date only which is listed where one would normally see S/E. Luckily these shows aren’t sequential. A mess on Plex, too.

IMO, to satisfactorily accomplish a Plex/Kodi experience seems to be beyond Channels scope…at least at this time.