Edit Commercials and times displayed

Not sure if this is normal since I don't normally use the Edit Commercials feature.
The times seem strange.

Here's the details of this recording

Duration 0 sec (+-256015 sec start, +72 hrs 9 min end)
not sure how to read that

Processed 10 hours ago in 13 min (local) comskip.log
was actually 2.5hrs ago

Show start not detected: Infinity% (66 seconds)
not sure how to read that

256015.00s - 256080.54s 65.54s
would prefer to see time from start of recording (0:00.00s) in minutes and seconds

Edit commercials 2

*** Edited to add this was an imported recording

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: ALPHA: Import TV local content into DVR