Go into Portainer, then the COntainers and find the eplus container. Click on LOGS there. It will tell you what to do next. You may need to stop the container and restart it.
Everything is now through a web gui and you can pick the services you want to link.
Ignore the below: I get in at port 8185
Thanks! I'm getting a "not found" error. l'm heading out, so I'll have to troubleshoot later. I tried going to:
and also just
(That was the IP in my log in the Project One-Click install)
Nothing new to add, just want to report that all of my NFL games have been working great and I love getting college football from Fox in 4K.
Such an awesome addition to channels!
I’ve had several scheduled recordings which were part of a custom pass I created for the Detroit Red Wings via ESPN+ skipped and market as watched in scheduled recordings. Any thoughts on what might be causing this?
Any way you can add News Nation to the EPlusTV rig? If not, no biggie! Thanks
Newsnation is viewable with TVE (the support tho on their end is just anemic)
Has anybody had trouble with Peacock authentication? I select Peacock in the web GUI, follow the activation link, let it input my code, and then it takes me to Peacock to log in. That puts me in a log in, log out loop, where I can see my account logged in, the page reloads and shows me logged out. Sometimes it happens a couple times, with no input on my part.
Yes. I tried setting it up for the first time this morning and I experienced the same thing.
It can be hit or miss. Their website is not great. Try again in a little bit
For NFL authentication make sure you are using a browser where you have already authenticated to Peacock in the NFL.com site (see ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV - #1813 by jator)
Then using that browser attempt to authenticate to Peacock in eplusTV
The Peacock authentication is very moody
Yeah...I used brave to authencate peacock. It's weirdly buggy that site is...
Thanks for that tip. Peacock is certainly moody — going to my NFL account and trying to link it manually gives me the exact same behavior (logging me in and out, back and forth). I’ll try again later.
Ya that's the problem. Need a different way to pull it in
Its the Peacock authentication with NFL itself not related to eplusTV.
I've had the same issue when authenticating the NFL app on an AppleTV.
I've had tickets in with both peacock and NFL and they are aware of the issue, but still working to resolve
I'm got this error when attempting to record Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime TV
Failed to download segment
with 403 Forbidden
Failed: Failed to download segment 2158: https://o300801.mp.lura.live/live/ephemeral/Yx7y8z4dyvepfBC071tvbV0rlaJ1pFRb/dmla-anvato27/3328k/2GFrkFcuCFS/165636/segment_165636743c.ts?Expires=1731045017&KeyName=cdnkey1&Signature=7N4ZGbyV5ZvKs057rG4O_MQWP0E: GET: https://o300801.mp.lura.live/live/ephemeral/Yx7y8z4dyvepfBC071tvbV0rlaJ1pERb/dmla-anvato27/3328k/2GFrkFcuCFS/165636/segment_165636743c.ts?Expires=1731045017&KeyName=cdnkey1&Signature=7N4ZGbyV5ZvKs057rG4O_MQWP0E: 403 Forbidden
Apologies if this has been answered previously. If we have linear channels variable active, there is a separate M3U and guide data listed on the EPlus GitHub. However, the guide data says this isn't needed if using Channels DVR. What is the ideal way to set this up? Do we create one EPlus source with the channel list and guide data for the various events it pulls in, and a separate source for the linear channels? Or do we pull in one source with just the linear channels M3U? And then how do we handle the guide data?
Hope that makes sense, and thanks!
Separate sources.
This is what I have for linear channels:
Of course, use your IP address and port number in the source URL.
And the other one:
Same here. And the one without XMLTV Guide Data automatically gets Gracenote data assigned via Channels.
I then set up a consolidated Channel Collection, by setting up "Automatic Channels" using this tip:
I exclude all other Channel Collections except the two created by EPlusTV.
For those using two sources (one for linear, one for non-linear), are you getting channel logos on your non-linear channels? My guide gets populated beautifully with each channels' logos for the linear sources, but non-linear just say e+TV, wondering if I'm missing anything.