Automatic Channel Collections - INCLUDE sources


I like to make channel collections of different sources so that they show up in the sidebar on my Apple TV app. For instance, when I added Pluto to my DVR, I went in and added every Pluto channel to a collection called Pluto.

The problem with this method is that it's only a snapshot of what channels were available on Pluto when I created the collection. So when I look at the Pluto collection now (within the server) it's riddled with things like "This channel (pluto-cnn) no longer exists." And of course it's missing any channels which have since been added to the source.

What I think would be way slicker is to add an option to the Automatic Channels section that allows you to specify you want all channels from a particular source, regardless of other metadata. Let me know if this makes sense. Thanks!


Yes, it makes sense and I've thought about the same too.
It would be nice to have.

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Agreed, this would be a welcome addition. I can also confirm that setting up an Automatic Channel Collection and excluding every source except for Pluto does not work to achieve the same, as it requires some other type of genre limiter.

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Asked about this when stream links came out. Nothing back.

I took a look earlier at the web inspector in the browser when I tried a few commands on channel collections.

I don't want to give you false hope or promise you anything but I think I may be able to write a script that does just what we are looking for.

It's a busy period right now for my family as we are preparing to move so it's going to be a little while until I can really work on this.

I will let you know when I have something you can try.

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This is a good enough suggestion that it should be moved to feature request. I have a number of sources (including but not limited to Pluto) that I have channel collections strictly for one particular source and need to be manually maintained currently. Its not an end of the world thing, but would be a nice ability to add.

I agree. This could also be accomplished by adding a “all genres” option under genres. I will move this to feature request section so people can vote.


Excellent feature request :+1:

This is mostly possible in a round-about way.

Under Automatic Channels:

  • Choose sources to exclude: Select all sources except for the one you want to show up in the collection (e.g., Pluto)
  • Enter keywords: Input a single space and press the enter key. It seems to pull in everything under that source with guide data (as I assume just about every program is going to have a single space in it).

It’s a pain to maintain, especially if you add/remove sources a lot like I do, but it does work.


This almost works for me, but it's still pulling in channels that are from excluded sources.
This is such an annoying way to achieve something so simple, I just want Custom Channels > Collection and automatically update.

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