ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

From my understanding the PBS feeds are DRM yet the docker is able to play them.

The docker is doing some magic with a widevine so lib.

I was under the impression the PBS feeds are both DRM’ed as well as geo-restricted, is that not the case?

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Not really finding them geo restricted, fwiw, following along here.

Ah OK, yeah, I was thinking about LocalBTV, that service does require you to be in their service area, and the Docker respects that:

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Hello, I have everything working except for the MLB channels, I have a mlbtv account and my credentials are correct can you please look into fixing this error. In the logs it says invalid credentials. Thanks the app is awesome.

Double-check your login details. I'm using the docker with MLB, and it is working great.
I like how it works with my VPN.

It's possible you might have to escape your credentials if you are using special characters or something, depending on how you are starting the container.

disregard everything is working, the channels I was having trouble with are blacked out in my region, is it possible that you can show that when you press on the channel that it shows it is blackedout instead of giving a error of not being able to play the channel thanks.

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That could take some work but I'll look into it

@m0ngr31 Apologies if this has already been asked. I used the same Docker run command on an M1 Mac and all channels seem to show up on one line in the channels app. Same exact Docker run command on an intel Mac and the channels show as desired. Any ideas or a link to a post I may have missed?

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What version are you running? What's your docker run command look like? I don't have an M1 to test against, but I'm not doing anything specific for that so there must be something else funky going on

docker run -p 8000:8000 -e ESPN3=true -e USE_LINEAR=true -e START_CHANNEL=10000 -e SECPLUS=true --name eplusTV -v config_dir:/app/config m0ngr31/eplustv

I've tried it without USE_LINEAR as well. This works fine on the intel Mac but the M1 causes issues. The intel Mac is running Ubuntu and the M1 is running the latest macOS. Both have whatever is the latest version of docker

Thanks for the help!

So ESPN3 and SEC+ are not linear channels. So you shouldn't need to use the USE_LINEAR var on that...

Let's try this:

Run this in your config directory:

rm *.db

Then try running the container like this:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -e ESPN3=true -e START_CHANNEL=10000 -e SECPLUS=true --name eplusTV -v config_dir:/app/config m0ngr31/eplustv

would ESPN plus need Linear? It is enabled by default isn't it?

Ok that seems to have worked. A couple of the channels show that it could not fetch playlist (mets braves game but it's currently off air) and then TCU vs Texas. Others work though

You only need linear if you want ESPN/ESPN2/FS1/ect to have their programming on the same dedicated channels

ah ok that makes sense. I have those thru my TVE login for Directv so I'm primarily using this for ESPN+, 3, and SEC+

It seems to be working on both Intel and M1 now. Like to have both options since one box goes thru a VPN

Thanks again for the help! Glad to test out any issues on this M1 install if you ever need it

Earlier, I upgraded to the Disney+/Hulu/ESPN+ bundle, which saves me some money. I was not specifically interested in ESPN+ but it's included so why not.
And being a big fan of Channels DVR, I like some more channels. :grin:

I installed the docker and it seems to be running without problems as I can see in the Windows Docker Desktop app:

However, I'm unable to load the page:


The other docker page loads fine at port 7777:


So it doesn't seem to be a problem with "localhost".
I even tried and Same 404 error. Everything is running on a single Windows PC.

I can also load the Channels DVR settings page either with localhost:8089 or

Any clues how to troubleshoot this?

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You just throw the M3U and xmlt into the custom channel settings. I don’t believe there is a viewable page in browser.