PBS Feeds

vlc no work drm

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Thank you

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A little follow-up from another thread:

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Nonetheless, this seems to be a clever solution packaged (compartmentaized) in an externally developed container for those who can choose to make use of it. A template would be a great help.

I hope this idea continues to grow as a potential solution to sunsetting TVE resources.

Is there a way using the milbeez solution to have the channel numbers be the actual OTA numbers, instead of starting at 9000?


Specify start channel number

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You can specify it with the channel-number tag in your m3u. Here's mine with the Baton Rouge station as an example.

#EXTINF:-1,channel-id="WLPBDT" channel-number="27" tvc-guide-stationid="24958" tvg-logo="https://image.pbs.org/stations/wlpb-color-single-brand-logo-YwxZbmQ.png" group-title="Local",WLPBDT

Also, turns out you can manually specify your station too. Due to my IP address being in another state it was using the wrong station.

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How do I get the id numbers for the station and the logo?

They're optional. Just match it to the OTA station like you would any other channel in the web ui. It'll pull them for you. I just changed my logo because it was pulling the generic PBS logo instead of the station logo. To find the image link, go to https://www.pbs.org and choose your station. The logo should appear in the upper right. Right click on the logo and copy the image url (in Safari Copy Image Address). Paste it into your m3u and delete ?resize= and everything that comes after it. Then make sure Prefer channel logos from M3U is selected in your custom channel settings. Not sure if that's on by default or not.

Im doing something wrong. I entered this.
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="WNPT" channel-number=“8”,WNPT
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="WCTE channel-number=“22”,WCTE
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="WKYU channel-number=“24”,WKYU

but I get this, only the first station takes the correct channel number

Check your quotes.

You're missing a " between the channel ids and the channel numbers for the second 2.


Success!!! Thank you

Stupid question, but where is the m3u file located?

You don't have to have a file. Just choose Text as the Source for your custom channels entry and put the m3u contents directly in the box there.

Personally, I like to use files so I can use a text editor with them and so I can back them up. I just made an m3u folder inside my DVR folder, and put them in there, but you can put them anywhere as long as Channels can access it locally. Then in my custom channels settings I can put the path to the file I created, like /volume1/NAS/DVR/m3u/wlpb.m3u on my Synology NAS for my PBS station. But all of that is completely optional.


So dumb question because I saw what looked like multiple answers, are these streams recordable or not?

With @miibeez’s docker container yes, it’s recordable.

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The PBS experience is great.
Docker is nice and stable.

Thanks for the info to get this up and running everyone, so happy to get my PBS stations!

Does make you wonder how long it's going to be around but it's great while it lasts.

Now if we can only get a way to use the widevine libraries to get the NBC channels back...


Is there any way to get some of the PBS subchannels such as Create and World, or is it just the main PBS feed for each station? I tried URLs ending with pbs/watch/WJCT5 and WJCT7.5 (station 7.5 is Jax PBS World channel) in VLC but no worky. WJCT works fine for main channel.