ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

Thank you. It worked as you suggested. :slight_smile:

I have had this running for a few months, but I’m not certain on the expected way to install updates. For the one update I installed, I created a new container and started from scratch. Is that the only way to update or is there another method? If so, any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I’ve had hit or miss success with ESPN+ events showing up in the app. For example, right now there are many NCAA baseball games on ESPN+ right now, but the guide in Channels doesn’t show most of them. I just restarted the EPlusTV container and redownloaded the guide data in channels right before these screenshots. Any suggestions on this?

I’ve tuned to all of those games from the “On Now" tab in the last 15 minutes. A lot of very competitive games right now!!!!

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I have looked for resources on how to update instead of starting over each time and it looks like it’s possible but for me it was just easier to delete and start from scratch.

As far as your question about ESPN+ events not showing.

Do you have the setting for Linear turned on? (It is set to off by default so if you didn’t set the EV then it is off.) Beyond that it could be an authentication issue. Your screenshot showed Fox sports events were populating correctly so maybe it is an issue with the espn authentication during set-up. The only ESPN+ event I saw was “Squeeze Play” - strange that it came through but others didn’t.

The linear variable is set. I didn’t think that mattered though since ESPN+ isn’t part of the linear networks. Typically I see many more events than the screenshot but every time I have checked, numerous events are missing. I wouldn’t think it is an authentication issue since I’m able to see some events and view them without issue.

@m0ngr31 - Any suggestions on update protocols and the missing ESPN+ events?

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Linear shouldn’t matter but when I had it enabled it ended up skipping some events in my case. Once I switched it off I got the full event schedule back.

Has anyone tried setting this up for remote access? It's working fine on my LAN, but when I am on the go it rarely works. I'm using...

docker run -p 9096:8000 -v C:\docker_volumes\eplustv\config_dir:/app/config -v C:\docker_volumes\eplustv\dev\shm:/app/tmp -e ACCESS_URI='' -e ESPN_USER='XXX' -e ESPN_PASS='XXX' m0ngr31/eplustv

The weird thing is, I can usually access the xmltv.xml file using my public IP just fine, but the channels.m3u file times out after about 30 seconds. Sometimes the xmltv.xml file takes a while to load too but it works eventually.

Can this be used to watch and record replays on I love this and use it every day but the one thing I can't get to work are games on my local Fox affiliate. It shows up in EPlusTV but when I try to watch it I get a message saying it can't find the specified path. If I can use this for replays I could at least record a game at a later time.

You can see on the GIT that one of the option for FOX Sports is to get the replays:

If you are using this for local games while live, you are probably subject to blackout rules. However, if the game is showing on your local FOX affiliate, you should set your preferences to record on that instead of this.

Thanks I failed to mention I have FOXSPORTS_ALLOW_REPLAYS=true. I just have no idea how to actually watch/record a replay.

Bumping this request in case anyone would be so kind as to write down the basic steps to take - I have spent a few hours trying to get this set up but don't really know enough to know what to Google to try to figure it out.

So far, I've downloaded Docker for Mac on the computer where my Channels DVR install is, I've pulled the EPlusTV container into Docker and have it running, and have managed to log in to my ESPN account.

I can't get the M3U or guide data into Channels as a custom source (I've tried 192.168...:8000/channels.m3u and localhost:8000/channels.m3u and both don't work), nor can I figure out how to modify the environment variables so that I can add my MLB login. I know this is not officially supported so no worries if no one can offer help on this but I'd love to get this set up if possible, but I've never used Docker before and am out of my depth here.

This may not be your issue, but I had a port conflict with port 8000 on my system so I used 8001. If you have a port conflict you can change to to another port by changing the first port number in the docker command. This first number is the host's port (8001) and the second is the container's port number (8000).

docker run -p 8001:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config m0ngr31/eplustv

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Thank you so much! This got it working for me.

NFL+ premium tier will include NFL network and Redzone for the upcoming season. Any chance it could be integrated similarly to MBLnetwork? @m0ngr31


Anyone have a step by step on how to run this with Synology? I have the docker running but can find the url to load in as a custom channel. I have tried with my IP assigned to my synology like I have my Frndly set up but with no luck. Any help would be great! How do you add fox and mlb tv to this?


I don't have credentials for that, but if someone wants to lend me theirs, I can look and see what it'd take

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Add a custom channel in Channels. take the IP the Synology and add the port 8000 and source is channels.m3u and Guide is xmltv.xml

Here is mine

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I think there might be some lingering bug with the linear env so that some events get double scheduled on some of those channels

When that var is set, it'll just allow replays that show up on the regular FOX linear channels to be scheduled. So you still have to figure out when they re-broadcast them