ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

WSL 2 is what it told me to select during the Docker installation, so that's what I went with.

You'll probably want to install a WSL2 distro then, like Debian or Ubuntu, and enable integration so you'll have a more complete Linux available.

One could easily argue you'd be better off running a Linux distro directly on ESXi, rather than the multiple layers of nested virtualization you'll having going with Docker Desktop (with WSL2 backend) on top of Windows on top of ESXi. It'll should work, but would be cleaner and easier to deal with any issues that arise minus a couple of layers of abstraction.

Doesn't ESXi have some kind of container support natively?

Okay, thank you. So, that is still the correct command to use even if all I care about is Fox Sports and don't have an ESPN account?

I don't think so. You can check the GitHub page for this project to see what the defaults are for various environment variables -- but here's what I have listed in OliveTin for defaults:

      - NUM_OF_CHANNELS=150
      - USE_LINEAR=false
      - PROXY_SEGMENTS=false
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - MAX_RESOLUTION=uhd/sdr
      - ESPNPLUS=true
      - ESPN=false
      - ESPN2=false
      - ESPN3=false
      - ESPNU=false
      - SEC=false
      - SECPLUS=false
      - ACCN=false
      - ACCNX=false
      - LONGHORN=false
      - FOXSPORTS=false
      - MLBTV=false
      - MLBTV_USER=false
      - MLBTV_PASS=false
      - MLBTV_ONLY_FREE=false

So for your desired setup, you'd want to set ESPNPLUS to false, and FOXSPORTS to true. I use Portainer as a WebUI for Docker myself, but if you prefer the command line you'd set these variables using the -e flags, just like you were trying to do with the PUID and PGID settings.

Yes, you enable this:

I misunderstood your response. Hahah, I've got no interest in messing around with anything other than Windows right now.

Would you be able to give me an example of how to edit the install command to use the switches?
I assumed all those commands would come later in the install process.

Something like:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config -e ESPNPLUS=false -e FOXSPORTS=true m0ngr31/eplustv

should do it.


That worked, thanks!!!!!
I'll come back to this later today to figure out how it all integrates with Channels/what to do next.

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I can't seem to find the next steps in the guide. What do you do after the docker is up and running?
Docker is installed on the same VM that Channels DVR is installed on.
So, I tried the URL but that didn't work out.

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It’s in the GitHub readme


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No, github doesn't say "Hey idiot, add this to the end of the URL".
Still having issues though.
Turned off firewall and still get the error.

EDIT: I fixed the port to 8000 but still get the error even with firewall disabled.

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Thanks, I've read that a dozen times though.
I'm sure there may be something in there to help, but it's not obvious to me.

I just finished installing Win10 Home on a VM and I'll try that tomorrow.
Maybe my Win10 LTSC has some network settings locked down that I haven't been able to trace.

It's in the first section of the readme. It has the endpoints to put into channels. The port is whatever you assigned it in Docker. Try using the actual IP of your VM and not

Guys, need your help please. I'm ready to give up because I just don't have time to put into this.

I'm still not connecting. Just getting error 404.

These are the ONLY steps I'm doing. And I'm not doing well with the github guide. I feel like I must be missing some steps.

I installed Docker on my physical, local Win10 desktop.
I chose the recommended backend for Windows.

Then, I ran this command because I don't have ESPN but I do have FoxSports through YTTV:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config -e ESPNPLUS=false -e FOXSPORTS=true m0ngr31/eplustv

After that command ran, my Docker looks like this:

I click the hyperlink circled in the Docker (8000) and I get this:

Then, I disabled all three of my Firewalls and tried my IP address but still get the same error.

I'm failing without even getting to Channels yet.
These are the only steps I've made. What am I missing?

There is nothing to see at

Try for your source URL in Channels DVR and for your guide data.

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You should change config_dir to an existing host directory on your PC, like C:\somedirectory
-v C:\somedirectory:/app/config