Experimental: Stream Links from the Guide via Custom Channels


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Anyone know the stream link for CW?

The CW app doesn't have any live streams afaik?

It's cwtv:// to launch the app

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While this is not the intended use, I am having fun using this feature to link apps within my guide that don’t offer live streams via their app. For example we subscribe to Starz but only for streaming (it isn’t a part of our cable package). Even though I can’t access the live channel feed I still created a stream link channel that simply opens the app to the search page. From the search page I can search for what was listed in the guide or something else entirely.


Can't get this to work.
Just added SyFy and USA.
Try to tune them in CHDVR and i get "got http response code 503" displayed in the channel player app window., No logs on the server.
This is on Apple TV.
The NBC app is installed.
What am i doing wrong?

I started a Knowledge Base article to help capture the info in this thread, to make it easier.


I know this is not a big selling point but stream links work very well with Hallmark Movies Now. :laughing:
Not sure if you want to add it to the list of supported apps.

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Are you sure you're on the latest TestFlight beta?

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Is there a way to get NBC DRM streams to link to the spectrum app instead of the NBC app in Apple TV IOS

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="bravo" tvg-chno="6058" tvc-guide-stationid="58625",BRAVOHD

The above only opens the spectrum App. From there, I must go live TV and search for the channel. Maybe that is how it is supposed to work.

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I followed the instructions and was able to add the stream links as a source to my Channels program. The NBC channels show up as thumbnails in my OnNow and also in the guide. I have all the channels marked as Favorites in the Manage Sources section. I have the NBC app installed. When I click on one of the channels added, I get an error message on my TV - "Connection Lost - got http response code 503."

I upgraded my Channels software and I'm running 2023.05.12.1543.

What am I doing wrong?


Are you sure you're on the latest TestFlight beta of the client app, too?

And on FireTV, install "Channels DVR" from the Amazon App Store, then click Settings > Player > Support > Install Channels DVR Beta.

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See post #155 in this thread.
The network id for my local NBC channel on the Spectrum app is 465. MSNBC is 227. CNBC is 57. CNBC WORLD is 12219.

I loaded the NBC channels as described above however, when I click watch the channel will not open nor do I see the launch of the NBC app... which I assume I would need to log in with my provider credentials? BTW ... on my android and streaming devices I am using SYFY as it also has all the NBC channels. I am sure that I am missing a step somewhere if anyone could please help. My server is running Windows 11 and my Channels DVR software is up to date. Thank You Steve

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That isn't enough. It doesn't work without the testflight beta. Link is a couple posts above this one.

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The Channels - Beta Program Link ? On my Desktop Server I always check and up load pre-release and my version today is 2023.05.12.1543 ... and I just signed up for the testing program on my Android device... and I missing something? Also, Do I need the NBC app on my Desktop? Thanks for your Help!

The OP does not say u need the beta.
I see the hint at it in the quoted post section, but it is for "Find and create your own links" and is for testing "Kayo for channels" not the ones listed first in the OP.
Hence, it is not obvious you need to install the Testflight beta to make this work.
(and the several posts of users not being able to get this to work, and issue is not having the beta client app...kinda proves i am right)

Also, stream links been around for a while now, so assumed they were working in public release.

Also, is this only for APple device then? Since all i see is "You need the latest Testflight beta" in posts?

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so I have spectrum and I have almost everything that I want but is it possible to add locals abc cbs nbc fox. and if so how would I do it?


Did you enable this feature on the Channels DVR web admin page?

(although NBC is no longer available this way, and will probably be removed from the description shortly :cry: the rest should work fine, certainly worth a try!)

I just tried to turn that on and get a red triangle that says Local Networks via TV Everywhere

Your browser failed to retrieve your geolocation: User denied Geolocation. any idea how I would fix this?

I was doing some other digging around and noticed that there is no use either is there a way to get that?Sorry for all the questions I'm pretty new to all of this