Experimental: TV/Movie deep-links via imported .strmlnk files

FYI, I have enabled this for TV as well if anyone wants to experiment.

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Thanks for the pointer...

Iā€™m just so impressed with how hard you guys work on improving channels!! Just setup the Pluto Docker and now am looking at other cool things to do. Will this only work with iOS or Apple TV devices not android/ fire tv?

Currently it only works with the beta releases for Apple clients.

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I think this is a netflix bug. If you search on Apple TV for Cobra Kai, then click Open in Netflix in TV app, it opens Netflix but doesn't go to the show.

This link format works for Amazon prime:


Thank you so much for this feature - great way to integrate my recorded, ripped and purchased iTunes Media collections. Working perfectly for Movies. Now got it working for TV as well, after I remembered how to structure as Show > Season # > ## EpisodeName.strmlnk

One thing that doesn't work for TV series using this approach is there is no artwork available per episode - I guess for 'normal' TV series imports you're using a screenshot captured from the video which obviously doesn't work here, and I guess there's no episode art from the provider for these shows. In those circumstances, I think it would be preferable to have the show artwork (which is working fine) replicated per episode rather than seeing the broken image link in the web UI or the placeholder image in the iOS / tvOS UI.

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Just tried adding purchased episodes from a different show and episode art working fine for those so I guess it's just where the episode art is missing from the provider that this is an issue. Also I had one a show imported from ripped DVDs which I had previously added with one episode which I couldn't rip from the DVD as it was damaged. I purchased just that episode from iTunes and added the strmlnk file right in the folder structure with the rest of the episodes and it appears collated in the UI right where it should be like a charm. Excellent! This approach also works nicely where I got the whole box set on DVD and ripped it then later purchased a Christmas special or much later episode on iTunes

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In the latest TestFlight build, http links for HBO Max, Hulu, Disney+ and Amazon PRIME are all confirmed working. You can get these links from demo.guidebox.com

HBO Max movie links added here: https://github.com/maddox/channels-strmlnks/tree/main/movies/hbo_max

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Amazon Prime and Hulu movies are up there now

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What process are you using to add them in bulk. I need to create a different version since there are regional differences in Prime and Netflix libraries

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I can look at breaking them out by region.

I just sniffed the endpoints used at reelgood. Iā€™m not sure how many regions they support.

Stream link support is now available on Android in the latest beta (1.20.0014).

Thanks they seem to support US and UK. I dont want you to have to create regions and have to maintain all of them. I'll look into the options for Australia

Stellar work! Do you think you could do TV shows on these sites as well?

Added TV shows for Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Hulu Plus, and HBO Max


Splitting it by region would be good, or posting instructions

Not sure how it would fit in the software but any thoughts on if deeplinks for ESPN+ content could added somewhere?

It is in guidebox. I am assuming the VOD is ESPN, not sure. But have a look at the content http://demo.guidebox.com/#!channel/117-ESPN