Fail to add Xfinity-TVE

Changed my DNS to Xfinity DNS Servers, no help. Went back to Cloudflare and Google.

Having similar issue, received a call from Comcast to change my password, I did, now I can't login to TVe. Not sure if it is a coincidence, but it looks like everyone that recently changed their password can no longer login to TVe with Xfinity.

Unless someone has other ideas, the only difference between using my home Xfinity network (where no devices work to login to nbc) and using an iPhone on LTE (that works) is that it's something with my Xfinity connection or NBC seeing I'm on an Xfinity IP addr.

When I ping it resolves to an IP with a response of 11-12ms (must be close) and traceroute shows it going through the comcast backbone (ibone) to get there.

Until I can login to, I'm not going to try adding Xfinity-TVE to Channels DVR as I'm thinking that's what is causing me to get password reset messages from Xfinity, since Channels DVR first tries to authenticate there and fails, then goes no further.

Forgot to add the obvious... Who owns NBC... Comcast.

i can login to NBC...cannot connect to TVE

i can see from the log it is timing out here - but i have no problem manually logging in to that site

When you say you can't connect to TVE, what do you mean?
a) You can't add Xfinity as a TVE source
b) You have a Xfinity-TVE source already setup, but can't do something

Finally I got in. Tried this morning but tonight it worked.

Helpful info, got in where?
a) login to Comcast
b) login to NBC
c) added TVE-Xfinity to Channels DVR
d) something else


i can do A and B

Comcast never calls you to reset your password.
Probably a scammer.

So far, users have reported getting ONLY a email, saying they detected a potential issue with your account and require password reset.

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That question was for Charlyc

But I can only do A right now

The fact that adding TVE to Channels needs to first login to NBC (which is owned by Xfinity/Comcast) is what's stopping me. If it fails authenticating with NBC, it stops dead in its tracks and goes no further. AND I think this is what's causing all of us Xfinity customers to get the reset password or update account messages/emails.

Did you try unchecking Local Networks via TV Everywhere ? That way it will not try NBC I do not have that checked as I use Connects for locals.

You're missing the whole point.
You can't check or uncheck anything until you've added the TVE Source to Channels DVR.

See topic Subject "Fail to add Xfinity-TVE"

That is not true ....

OK, I give up as obviously the community can't help.
I don't rely on TVE, was just using it to test and help the community.
Right now it's removed from both of my NAS's.

When I see the devs address the topic, I'll try it again.

Did you see my snapshot above ?

Yes, do you see mine?

Screenshot_2020-08-18 Channels DVR(1)

You have Never even setup your DVR did not know that good luck .. I always setup my tuners first.

I've been running both HDHR Prime and TVE on two NAS's until this started happening.
Lost TVE on both of them due to Xfinity reset pword issues and can't get them back.
If I only used Channels for TVE I would be upset, but I don't care as I still have my HDHR Prime working.