Not sure if this would violate your license with Gracenotes, but would it be possible to open up a search into the TV metadata so we can see what order/season they are listing episodes? Trying to get something like Hulu Stream Links to agree with Channels -> Zap2It -> Wikipeida -> TVDB has been a massive headache. I don't mind (that much) creating my own Stream Links, but when I have to redo them because of a metadata episode order/season disagreement, it it a massive pain.
Take for instance something like Cupcake Wars. The order and even what season things are in are not necessarily aligned between any of these sources. I'm fine with using whatever Channels says it is and making the link go there, but I cannot tell ahead of time. A show like this is particularly difficult because my partner watches episodes out of order, depending upon what she is interested in. If I don't align this correctly, I cannot cut over to Channels and drop TiVO.
Teen Titans Go is an even worse example where Seasons 1 and 2 have the 2 "half-episodes" combined in Gracenotes, but seasons 3-5 are separated. But Hulu has all seasons with the half-episodes combined, and some items listed as "specials" that are part of Season 5. To figure all this out, I had to create empty stream links for the massive possibility, figure out which episodes to fill in and in what order to match the metadata, and then delete/purge the ones I didn't need followed by refreshing the entire metadata set. It took forever and could have been a lot quicker if I just knew what to expect!