Fox and a few other local channels stopped working

Ive been using channels DVR roughly 1 yr and been able to find solutions to every problem I had on this forum, until now.

Fox and a few other local channels stopped working after Dec 3rd. But other local channels are still working. I record Fox every morning so I noticed immediately when it stopped working. Been trying a few things on my end but now I need additional help/ideas.

I made sure latest Pre-Release update was installed and also that the experimental option at the bottom of the settings was enabled "Local Networks via TV Everywhere - Some major metropolitan area offer access to NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX stations via TV Everywhere". I also tried unticking the option, waiting a few seconds and re-enabling the option again.

I verified that I can stream the Fox channel I am missing from the Fox website using my DirecTV login (which is what I use for Channels).

I would recommend submitting diagnostics if you have not already.

Using a secure HTTPS connection to the DVR web UI?

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Thanks Macnbaish, I was about ready to do that but I didn't want to bother the Devs unless I'm sure there is an issue and Ive exhausted all other alternatives.

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I did figure out the solution! If anyone else has this problem I thought id post what fixed it for me. I reset my Chrome and this time when I un-ticked & re-ticked the "Local Networks via TV Everywhere" it prompted me asking to share my location. I accepted and Fox immediately popped back into the lineup along with my other missing locals. Thank you Macnbaish & chDVRuser for jumping into my thread to help me!


Just noticed my Fox local was gone too. This fixed it. Thanks!!

Thank you so much, worked!

Reset chrome? Please help I'm not sure what that means. I couldn't find Chrome on my smart TV.

In the web ui on the server (not your tv) click the hamburger then support then troubleshooting. If all checks are green (this will check your chrome) then go to settings then advanced and toggle local networks via TVE off. Then toggle it back on and give it any access it asks for. Check if it picks up the fox.

And if it doesn't pick up your local Fox station, it's probably because it's not one of the few Fox Owned and Operated stations that still work with Channels DVR.

If you're not having an issue with your local Fox station, you need to post in a new topic explaining what issues you're encountering.