Fox TVE 6002 not working

Hi Everyone, I have seen in other posts that the TVE channel for FOX is very flaky. The behavior I see seems a little different though. I added FOX TVE last year mainly so I can record Sunday football games. Everything worked great last year, zero issues. This year during the NFL preseason games I noticed the channel would load but the video would be a FOX banner saying "This stream is experiencing technical difficulties." Fast forward to now, I get "could not fetch playlist 404 not found" errors when trying to watch the channel. The odd part is that if I watch the channel during the week most of the time it works great.

Has anyone else noticed this? Just trying to see if something is messed up on my end or if this is just something I should just give up on.

It's definitely flaky. I also get a 404 error.
Follow up on this thread instead of creating new ones. Easier for everyone to follow.

I've tried everything suggested in these forums.. I cannot get Fox Network to work in TVE.. The guide is there, I can access Fox network app, but not in Channels DVR. This is what I get.

Any suggestions?
Also can't access the server in Chrome or Edge on my PC, only on my android phone.
Thanks in advance.

There's been problems getting the FOX TVE to work. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. If you need to watch FOX and don't have an antenna setup, then pipe the Feed in directly from your provider's site or app with ah4c/HDMI or CC4C.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Can't access DVR server from my PC

I went to check fox 6002 on my system during sports event and looks like it is mostly dead.
I've moved to YTTV plus project and or Fubo TV.



FOX 6002 in Austin, TX via YTTV

So what is the source of that, Fox TVE ch6002 (KTBC Fox 7) or an HDHR tuner ch7-1 (KTBC Fox 7)
Working here Live News Stream: Watch FOX 7 Austin

Sorry, have been having HDHomeRun problems and it was on my brain.
Source is YTTV.

Only one TVE Fox station works afaik. The one in New York.


The one for Washington DC also works, just for primetime and sports (but it's been like that for a couple of years).

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I would strongly suggest looking for alternatives.

Did NYC stop working?

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No. WNYW is working fine for me right now.


Rescanning fixed it. I got nervous for a sec

So just for grins I re-enabled local TVE in channels to get Fox TV Orlando (WOFL) in my TVE source and it does come up in a scan, but when I try to tune I get a 403 forbidden invalid access key error instead of stream having technical difficulties.

So I'm wondering if it's working again but it's something that Channels needs to change, doing a search here I've seen fixes made in the past for the 403 errors.

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Reports of Fox WNYW still working

Does anyone else still get their Local Fox via TVE?

So, I’ve been having a bit of trouble getting my local fox KDFX on TVE. Can you believe it? The local channel on TVE is actually Palm Springs! And guess what? The affiliate I watch is actually in Los Angeles. Talk about a strange twist!