Thanks. I did already shut down and reset everything, but definitely worth another turn it off and on again and give it some time to cool.
Just restart
the docker container
Awesome! Thanks for the tip.
Thank you both. Looks like the command prompt stop, refresh, and restart for the docker container did the trick. Have done that before but it's been seven months so definitely appreciate the reminder about that option. @Jean0987654321 @chDVRuser
A post was split to a new topic: Request: Sling TV for Channels docker like Frndly TV for Channels docker
Hi! Lately, I have been having trouble with stuttering live playback of the Weather Channel, and recording problems from Catchy Comedy. Both channels are through the Frndly docker container using the 2-source method.
Over the past several days I have received several "Transcoder Reset: Playlist skipped to a higher sequence" errors which resulted in interrupted recordings.
Today, I also received several "could not start stream on channels=[14070]: M3U: Stream Limit Reached" errors and failed recordings.
I have run server diagnostics. Logs have been submitted under 9cc060b9-b689-4c09-a098-b08b720b7722
Has anyone else experienced any of these issues? Or, do any of you have ideas what the source of my problem(s) may be?
Just a thought about the "Stream Limit Reached" error...
I have the basic Frndly plan, which is only limited to one stream. I have only one recording scheduled at a time. However, I have them set to start 30 seconds before and end 30 seconds after.
In the past, this overlap hasn't been a problem. Is it possible that the Frndly is more aggressively enforcing the single stream limit for my account?
More likely is the setting you used
I have the Classic Plan w/2 streams and I hardly ever exceed that, so I have it set to no limit.
Could be the DNS server you use. Although I've seen that error occasionally on Frndly and Pluto channels.
Hmmm, that may very well be. Dang me for being honest in selecting my setting. I didn't realize that it would have an effect on the function of the service. Frndly is my sole source for Catchy Comedy.
I use Youtube TV and other services for most other channels, and one Frndly stream has always been sufficient up to this point. Even for overlapping programs on the same channel.
I'll try changing DNS servers... Thanks for the suggestion!
Run the Troubleshooting tool and see if it complains about it.
Channels DVR web admin UI
Support > Troubleshooting
No DNS issues there... all green checks, even with the resource intensive tests.
Are you using your ISP's DNS Servers?
I use Cloudflare as Primary ( and Secondary (, no issues.
Yeah, I am using the default DNS servers from my ISP. It hasn't been an issue until recently.
Are you using Cloudflare DNS on your modem, router, and/or the device running your Channels server? My Channels server is native on Synology NAS.
I use Cloudflare DoH (DNS over HTTPS) on my router (Synology RT2600ac) and my router IP address is used as the DNS Server by everything on my network, including my two Synology NAS's.
Well, I switched the DNS on my router to Cloudflare, and still receive the same "Transcoder Reset: Playlist skipped to a higher sequence" errors when recording. Not always, but, occasionally. Most recently, on Pluto channel Classic TV Comedy.
The Synology NAS running Channels DVR is directly connected to the router by ethernet cable.
As I said previously
Maybe see it once or twice a month, but I don't record a lot from those sources.
Gotcha. As always, I appreciate your input. At least we know that neither of us is alone with these little glitches.