Frndly TV for Channels

I'm using the python version - So to get the guide data, I had to go into the manage lineup for frndly and map the new stations individually, then ran a guide refresh.

Well, I guess I could have tried mapping it myself too. Lol. Thanks for pointing that out. Sometimes I get so used to things being automatic that I forget sometimes manual is best.

With the addition of MeTV today, and then H&I and Decades on April 19, I'll have no choice but resubscribe to FrndlyTV. As long as it works perfectly in Channels.

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Can anyone advise the gracenote epg ids for:

Story TV

i can then add these into the generated playlist

If any new channels get added in future and you have access to the gracenote ids, then just post them here with the new channel name :slight_smile:


MeTV. 45754

StoryTV. 122968


FYI, I have updated my spreadsheet with technical details of Frndly TV streams, including the newly added channels.


Hi there,
If I understood The stats, the newer channels are speaking out a bit higher quality.
I believe Channels will work with what is provided.


That's correct, the newer channels have a slightly better quality. At least for now.

Overall though, I wish the bit rates were higher for all channels. Anything less than 4 mbps for HD is quite low and you notice it on a big screen. If they used H.265 codec instead, that would (should) be visibly better.

Channels just captures the streams as is with no additional processing. The quality is defined at the source.

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Thanks for the explanation
I wonder How FRNDLY video conpares to Philo?
Would love to have integration that is already available on that half-done project Stremium.
I'm not arguing with the price I just believe that anything that platform can do Channels will do much better.
The guide data on Channels looks much better.
I'm enjoying the docker stuff.

Just set this up yesterday with the docker image, but not getting much of anything for guide data. I tried going to manage the lineup for frndlytv but only get a long list of "UNKNOWN" for choices. Choosing one of the UNKNOWN's does get guide data in, but not for the proper channel. Ideas?


Set up Guide Data with a local provider. Works for me with no issues. You may have map some channels. I also added OTA Broadcast for MeTV, H&I ,Decades, and start TV.
Note: Make sure XMLTV Guide option is blank. Delete URL if there is
something in there and click save. If you have to remap channel make sure
this URL is blank again. I notice it defaults an epg.xml

Thanks Kenny, setup with local provider and had to fix mapping on a couple channels, but I have guide data now.


I've been using this for quite a while with no problems but recently I've been missing recordings due to timeouts waiting for response. See Below

Failed to start stream on channel 9330 via M3U-FrndlyTV: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/28 16:00:00.015892 [DVR] Error running job 1651175990-7 The Waltons: could not start stream on channels=[9330]: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/28 16:00:01.049721 [DVR] Starting job 1651175990-7 The Waltons on ch=[9330]

If tuning, sometimes it comes back as playback failed and then you try again and it plays, on recordings its the same but sometimes it seems to just fail. I think I would have noticed it if it were happening all along because she records a ton off INSP.

My environment is:
Windows Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
10.0.19044 Build 19044 (kernel: 10.0.19044 Build 19044)
CPU4 cores / Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470T CPU @ 2.90GHz
RAM 7.83 GB 36.0% free
Docker Desktop 4.71
Channels updated to latest unstable

I've pulled the latest version and loaded all docker updates. Unfortunately, I didn't notice the errors until well after all things had been updated so I don't know what actually caused it. I was trying to get Start TV and a couple others to show in my guide and I first updated everything before learning to do it in the manage lineup. I'm having the issues on both my DVR and the one I have at my mom's house. I initially was using the IP address of the server for the playlist, but changed it to the loopback to see if it made the error go away. Are there logs on the docker side that could point me in the right direction or has anyone else run into this using the Frndly TV source?


I have noticed for a few weeks that on my first try at a live Frndly channel it will fail on timeout. If I try again it plays as expected. Doesnā€™t seem to matter what Frndly channel I start with. Once I get past the first timeout then everything (all channels) work fine for the rest of the day. If I tune in again the next day it will time on out on first try. Then work fine on second try. Rinse and repeat. I am not sure if this is related to your issue. Iā€™ve been doing a migration from Windows to Synology so I hadnā€™t reported the issue yet.

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please let me know. Maybe I can add some retry logic if i can see which request is failing

@matthuisman What do you need to know? Had recording fail today, same deal. Basically if failed (@1600) for 5 minutes starting a job on FrndlyTV->start tv. Then the next job (@1700) was for the same channel and it ran without a hitch. Putting part of the log below

2022/04/30 16:00:00.029675 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 9656 via M3U-FrndlyTV: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers**
2022/04/30 16:00:00.029675 [DVR] Error running job 1651348790-185 Unforgettable: could not start stream on channels=[9656]: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/30 16:00:01.050333 [DVR] Starting job 1651348790-185 Unforgettable on ch=[9656]
2022/04/30 16:00:01.050333 [DVR] Waiting 1h59m48.9496663s until next job 1651355990-184 The Closer
2022/04/30 16:00:01.050333 [DBG] Scheduling wake timer for scheduled recording in 1h58m18.9496663s
2022/04/30 16:00:11.073754 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 9656 via M3U-FrndlyTV: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/30 16:00:11.074004 [DVR] Error running job 1651348790-185 Unforgettable: could not start stream on channels=[9656]: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/30 16:00:13.086580 [DVR] Starting job 1651348790-185 Unforgettable on ch=[9656]
2022/04/30 16:00:13.086580 [DVR] Waiting 1h59m36.9134195s until next job 1651355990-184 The Closer
2022/04/30 16:00:13.086580 [DBG] Scheduling wake timer for scheduled recording in 1h58m6.9134195s
2022/04/30 16:00:23.120246 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 9656 via M3U-FrndlyTV: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/30 16:00:23.120591 [DVR] Error running job 1651348790-185 Unforgettable: could not start stream on channels=[9656]: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/30 16:00:27.176987 [DVR] Starting job 1651348790-185 Unforgettable on ch=[9656]
2022/04/30 16:00:27.177266 [DVR] Waiting 1h59m22.8227332s until next job 1651355990-184 The Closer
2022/04/30 16:00:27.177266 [DBG] Scheduling wake timer for scheduled recording in 1h57m52.8227332s
2022/04/30 16:00:37.192677 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 9656 via M3U-FrndlyTV: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/30 16:00:37.193288 [DVR] Error running job 1651348790-185 Unforgettable: could not start stream on channels=[9656]: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/30 16:00:45.209163 [DVR] Starting job 1651348790-185 Unforgettable on ch=[9656]
2022/04/30 16:00:45.209163 [DVR] Waiting 1h59m4.7908361s until next job 1651355990-184 The Closer
2022/04/30 16:00:45.209163 [DBG] Scheduling wake timer for scheduled recording in 1h57m34.7908361s
2022/04/30 16:00:55.216150 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 9656 via M3U-FrndlyTV: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/30 16:04:31.394194 [DVR] Error running job 1651348790-185 Unforgettable: could not start stream on channels=[9656]: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
2022/04/30 17:00:10.162721 [DVR] Waiting 59m39.8372783s until next job 1651355990-184 The Closer
2022/04/30 17:59:50.002657 [DVR] Starting job 1651355990-184 The Closer on ch=[9656]
2022/04/30 17:59:50.002766 [DVR] Waiting 59m59.9972333s until next job 1651359590-184 The Closer
2022/04/30 17:59:50.002766 [DBG] Scheduling wake timer for scheduled recording in 58m29.9972333s
2022/04/30 17:59:52.841160 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-FrndlyTV for ch9656 Start TV
2022/04/30 17:59:52.841788 [DVR] Recording for job 1651355990-184 from M3U-FrndlyTV ch9656 into "TV\The Closer\The Closer S05E15 2009-12-21 Dead Mans Hand 2022-04-30-1759.mpg" for 1h0m19.9972333s
2022/04/30 17:59:52.948526 [IDX] Generating video index for job 1651355990-184
2022/04/30 19:00:10.054453 [MTS] Statistics for "TV\The Closer\The Closer S05E15 2009-12-21 Dead Mans Hand 2022-04-30-1759.mpg": skipped=0 unhandled_packets=0 discontinuity_detected=0 transport_errors=0 invalid_pts=0 invalid_dts=0 saw_pcr=true saw_pmt=true highest_pts=3636.033333
2022/04/30 19:00:10.084867 [ADS] Detected 6 commercial markers in file-7975: TV\The Closer\The Closer S05E15 2009-12-21 Dead Mans Hand 2022-04-30-1759.mpg
2022/04/30 19:00:10.111773 [DVR] Finished job 1651355990-184 The Closer

Is there a setting for channels timeout?
Or, anyone know the default?

I wonder if it's happening when it needs to refresh it's token which can take a while.

You could probably have just a cron job running somewhere that calls a play url of the container so hopefully that gets the token refresh before the DVR needs it. Maybe I just need to have the container have its own keep alive service to do that.

Well I know when I was having the problem of tuning in Frndly live it would try to for about 30 seconds before showing a timeout message. I havenā€™t had the issue recently so I canā€™t really test that out. And unlike @SamWoods I do not record Frndly channels. However, when I was having the problem I had a strong gut feeling that Channels was timeing out just seconds sooner than when Frndly would finally kick in. I considered actually scheduling a daily record as a kind of keep alive. If for no other reason than to keep things snappy. So I would say if you could add a keep alive function to the container that would probably be awesome, especially for people with systems that donā€™t have optimal performance.

I think it's in the go library at http package - net/http -

Can you put a cronjob in the image that calls the authentication URI for a fresh token on a schedule? I don't know if there is a ratelimit on token generation and I'll have to look at your image to see if I can throw a PR for it. I would think a 'once a day' call would work. Add some kind of randomness to the call so that you don't have every client hitting the auth server at the same time.