Fubo TV project

I do not have that listed in the output anywhere but will add in the future - for now if you have the two playlists (MPEG and HLS) being generated in the URL, that is the latest version - 1.15

This one is a bit more complex - the streams that are generated by the Fubo API are restricted by the IP adress that API call is from. when fubo makes a location request (i.e. curl 'https://api.fubo.tv/v3/location') it validates the ip_address and also generates the stream for that IP address. The HLS playlist sends this native HLS URL back to player, so if the IPs don't match the stream will not play. Therefore the docker container AND the player MUST be on the same local network.

So if the player is on a VPN and docker container is not or vice versa, the stream will not play.
Similarly, if the docker container is in one location, and the player is in another (such as if you are using tailscale to connect to a remote docker container), the stream will not play.

This is why I generated the MPEG version. For the MPEG streams, the container actually plays the stream within the container (using streamlink and ffmpeg) and then outputs that to the player and thus is guaranteed to be the same network from the perspective of the Fubo API calls.

Thanks for the clear picture.
I'm able to play both Mpeg-ts and HLS.
I noticed if a station uses insertion such as Get tv, When on Mpegts it will play the outro to the ads and freeze.
The freeze will wait a bit then start playing the commercial.
I had one instance where I just got a box showing Get TV with a spinning wheel.
I saw the same thing happen on Bally Sports. If I use HLS, it all plays great.
I played my locals with mpeg-ts and I had no disruption.

A VPN may be interfering. I have 3 IPs on 2 machines (+ virtual machine) on the same home network. I'm able to connect to all 3 from each machine without going through the VPN, but perhaps it's interfering with the HLS stream.

Me now watching four streams of GetTV waiting for commercials….

Hi there,
The freeze i was experiencing was right as it transitions from the outro promo into the commercial break.
Thanks for checking. I might have an issue here.

Possibly related if Fubo uses the same type feed.

Similar issue was happening with MeTV, Decades and H&I using the FrndlyTV service last year.

It happenned during the hourly Station Identification

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So the issue is that it it is encountering a stream discontinuity as a result of those ads Fubo is placing.
This basically EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tags and indicates a complete reset of the stream, with a new stream following afterwards. This is something not handled well by streamlink unfortunately, so maybe looking at other alternatives.

EDIT: just looked at some other streams, while they have the EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE tag in the HLS, it appears Fubo isn't sending other ad streams, thus causing a reset of the stream. Guess this will need more investigation

Sounds about right from here.
The HLS stream is rock solid.
The local channels that Fubo offers will play perfectly. in Streamlink.
I'm using the PBS docker and obvously becuase it is a continuious stream, it plays.

jThanks for all the good stuff here.

Does this currently work with all channels in the Pro and Elite packages (including locals)?

Xfinity is increasing prices again, so I'm shopping around.

Not ALL the channels (ie. DISNEY) because DRM but with TVE, most of those channels are already there with that anyways

I'm on the elite package.
I'm watching all locals except for ABC through the docker. I can get ABC through TVE.
You won't have Showtime or any of the ABC owned disney channels.
If you want ESPN etc you have to use the App and if you have it setup, ADB Tuner.
I'm ggetting all setup and ready to go for upcoming baseballl season.
I like Fubo TV especially with this great docker.

Thanks @Jean0987654321 @rpaulmerrell

It appears these are the Fubo DRM'd channels

According to Fubo, they're all (except Localish & Maximum Effort) available via TVE using Fubo as a Provider.

Can anyone using Fubo verify if it's true?
If so, those Fubo DRM channels will be added if I also add a Fubo TVE source.

Originally when the docker project was first started, When you came across some of the DRM channels in the docker, it would fall back to the TVE channel if it is set in channels.
If you want to ssee the typical cable stuff, for now it is on TVE.
I use the docker conbined with TVE of course with Logo gone, one has to use the docker version.
I try to use the fubo docker first. if the channel isn't directly available, i will pull it up on TVE.
Once you get this setup, all should be good.

This is correct, using TVE will get those channels of the mouse, minus Localish.


Doesn't work for me.
I signed up for a free Elite trial.
I can play any of my channels on their website.
I installed the docker and setup a custom channel.
I get the channels and guide data, but when trying to play any of them it just says remuxing (for HLS) or transcoding (for MPEG-TS) and nothing plays. Pausing and resuming doesn't help.
No errors in the DVR log or the docker log.
Tried both HLS and MPEG-TS playlists.

I used a url from the HLS playlist and it works in VLC.
Same channel from the MPEG-TS playlist also works in VLC.
Using the VLC integration in Channels DVR I'm able to play a live channel in VLC.

Nothing plays in the web UI player.

Hi there,
Not sure about the player UI but wondering what about when you use a client like apple TV etc?
I'm using Fubo right now on Channels and it is working great.

For some reason the web UI player doesn't like my Firefox browser today.
Disabling extensions allows some channels to play, but not most of them.
The web UI player works in the MS EDGE browser.

So it looks like Fubo Elite and Fubo TVE are working for me. Now to the daunting task of lining up all 389 channels, eliminating dups and ensuring the guide data is correct. And a few recordings thrown in to make sure they work and playback.

The Elite trial is only 24 hrs.

I know you are going to love the combo. If you have Philo or Yttv, they can easily be canceled.
I'm down to two channels for Philo.
Fubo has all kinds of stuff, especially with TVE. IFC may be a problem because someone had the bright idea of adding some sort of audio with graphics during commercials.
Best of luck. Loving the great entertainment.

If it works out I'll dump my Xfinity Triple Play and just use Xfinity Internet.

Need help.

docker run -d -e 'FUBO_USER=xxx@yyy.com' -e 'FUBO_PASS=' -p 7777:7777 --name vlc-bridge-fubo jgomez177/vlc-bridge-fubo

I get an error message saying "The system cannot find the file specified."

What am I doing wrong?