Fubo TV project

Is Channels DVR able to get the lineup and display the channels?

Yes, I installed a Channels Server on the Virtual NAS and was able to import it in using Custom Channels. But whenever I go to access one of the channels, I get the above error.

What's odd is my regular server I am able to still access all the channels from Fubo Project (local instance of Fubo Project). But the virtual version of Fubo Project and now my mom's cabin are both offline. Only thing I can think of is that they haven't been used in the last 30 days (the virtual has been more like 4 months). I checked and both have the correct username and password.

OK, sorry I can't help any further since I no longer use Fubo.
When I used it with the HLS playlist it worked fine.

There is also a note somewhere in this thread about your docker PC needing an allowed IP address Internet IP). From my notes;

so you can try a couple of things to verify your IP:
from the device hosting your docker run a simple curl command to verify your IP:
curl "https://api.fubo.tv/v3/location"
you'll receive an output similar to the following from the API that tells you if your network is allowed
"country_name":"united states",
You can also run this directly from the docker however curl is not loaded by default:
docker exec -it vlc-bridge-fubo ash
apk --no-cache add curl
curl "https://api.fubo.tv/v3/location"
If the network_allowed address is false, then Fubo believes you are behind a VPN

Updated my last post above this one.
Check the IP from your Virtual NAS Network at the cabin using https://api.fubo.tv/v3/location

See his post about the geo-location and HLS vs MPEG-TS playlists

Thanks @chDVRuser. I had already checked the Curl command and all was good on that front. The cabin issue was that the Docker was not active for some reason, but restarting it fixed that issue.

The virtual NAS was able to be resolved when switching to MPEG source vs. HLS. It's odd because the virtual server is all self-contained (same IP address for the Test Channels DVR Server and the Test FuboTV Project Docker).

Crossing my fingers that the Devs ( @tmm1, @maddox and @eric ) consider adding this solution within the server itself vs. a stand-alone source. Granted I know nothing about what that entails, but if possible, would be the most seamless solution outside of HDHR Tuner and TVE (and the 2nd best solution to get Fox and NBC into the server).

Crossing fingers.


I've rescued the source code from my docker so I'm pondering where to put it. I don't have the Dockerfile anywhere but it shouldn't be difficult to recreate it. My python knowledge is limited but I'll accept PRs...


Thanks for rescuing this!


Thanks, can we assume the only change is the storage location on GitLab, or are there other changes we need to be aware of?


That's about it. The docker command to run it is slightly different (just the gitlab url instead)

I'm a little scared to update my current working install, If nothing has changed but the storage location (gitlab), I'll just bookmark this and hope to not need it. Thanks

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Thanks for keeping the fubo docker alive.
Purchased Elite quarterly elite because of the smooth access with channels.

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what is that?

I no longer use it, but you may want to update the fubo-gracenote-default.json file.

Appears joagomez never updated the stationid for INWONDER.


Think he means the Elite plan on a quarterly subscription




I am getting this error when I open up the logs. I am also getting Streaming to tuner failed. Timeout awaiting response headers. Any ideas as to what is happening?

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.fubo.tv', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /signin (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f833a733fa0>: Failed to resolve 'api.fubo.tv' ([Errno -3] Try again)"))

That's a DNS issue. Are you using an ad blocking DNS?

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I am not using a DNS blocker. It was wondering just fine til last night when it didn’t record a baseball game off Bally.

I tried to use the docker command but said it could not find the image locally and wouldn't try to pull that image whatsoever. Is there a different command I should be running?

Also getting this with the original docker file from @joagomez by re adding it to the sources. I guess this is finally done for.

 invalid source url: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

Restarted Docker Desktop and it has seemed to fix the issue.

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