Fubo TV project

I tried to use the docker command but said it could not find the image locally and wouldn't try to pull that image whatsoever. Is there a different command I should be running?

Also getting this with the original docker file from @joagomez by re adding it to the sources. I guess this is finally done for.

 invalid source url: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

Restarted Docker Desktop and it has seemed to fix the issue.

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I'm receiving a similar error. Restarting the docker cleared it last week and again yesterday, but not today:

Connection Error. HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.fubo.tv', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /signin (Caused by NameResolutionError(": Failed to resolve 'api.fubo.tv' ([Errno -3] Try again)"))

I'm still running the original joagomez 1.16 version.

Is the gitlab docker pulling for anyone? not working in unraid for me

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Are you pulling this one?

Because of this

I’m trying to pull that one. Right now I have the old run still running

You should ask @Jean0987654321
I no longer have Fubo.


I just pulled the image.
Looked at the date and it appears to be older than what I have here.
Certainly glad it was rescued. The project has kept me very interested in
I like the fact that they have the free live channels so even without a subscription, you can get some neat stuff but honestly nothing you can't get with the other stuff here.

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It is available. I just pulled it to verify.

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Thanks so much.
I should have checked my portainer.
Looks good.
The only reason I like Fub is the sports stuff and this great docker that provides a better picture. The rest of the services just don't do it well at least from my testing.

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That’s great, but I can’t get it to pull in unRAID

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Docker cli worked for me.
docker pull registry.gitlab.com/yankees4life/vlc-bridge-fubo/main:latest

How are you trying to pull it?
What happens when you try to pull it, any errors?
Perhaps the architecture of the image doesn't match what you're running docker on?

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Got it figured out it was missing /main after the project name

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Hi i am new to all this how do i setup my fubo account so i can watch on pc through vlc. Can anyone help please?

Issue resolved.


It's in the container image already.
See Fubo TV project - #209 by joagomez


Thank you. So should just work. Something else is going on then. HLS works perfectly on nonVPN PC. Add in MpegTS and I am receiving less than half the channels. After some additional testing it seems some of the Fubo channels are not VPN restricted.

Fiddled with VPN and now HLS works!


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Good to hear you have it working.
I never had an issue using the HLS stream when I used it. But I no longer subscribe to Fubo.
Lots of reports from users above in this thread having issues with the MPEG-TS stream.

this works really really well, and its fast too. thank you!

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Does Syfy, Oxygen, etc. work, or are they drm protected?