Fubo TV project

So this comes back when I create via OliveTin. I am still able to get to the site at port 7777 but when I click on one of the m3u links, it shows a 500 error. I then see the NoneType error above in the container log in Portainer. I've also created it manually without OliveTin and see the same issue.

It's like something is different about my account and the package isn't set, but I'm currently actually watching it on my PC so I know it works. Anywhere I should look to get more info?

JSON response from
{"error":"invalid source url: failed to retrieve m3u: GET: 404 NOT FOUND"}

Also, I'll note a curious entry in the Application tab in the chrome dev tools - shows me a paywall "expired"

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More data. I had time so I edited the python code do dump the "recurly" JSON so I could see it in the logs. What's wacky it hasn't updated my subscription section at all. Still showing from when I cancelled back in May. Even though I'm definitely active.

So definitely something has either changed in the backend or my account is screwed up somehow.

Anyway, I got into debugging the python code and changed 3 lines (added default values to 3 "get" calls) got it working. If the developer in charge wants to reach out, I can tell exactly what's been updated.

The original developer is no longer maintaining the project, however, the last version of the container was dumped here. I suppose this is where it’s being maintained.

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Yep. I'm here @mdo77

Submit a PR and I'll take a look

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I had deleted my previous post because I thought I had figured out what to do, but I was wrong. I see that the project is no longer in the Docker registry, and is now hosted by GitLab. How do I get it into my Container Manager on my Synology DS920?

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Refer to this topic thread Synology NAS - Docker Help

Thanks, I just ended up using ssh. I didn’t see that was an option earlier.

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Please help!

Using Qnap NAS I have the Image pulled & container created from yankees4life but the container states I need to set a username & PW. For the life of me I cannot figure out how or where to set these.

You put them in under environment


Where do I get to that though? @Rice

I don’t have a nas but I would imagine you would go to your container manager and click on and edit the container from there. Consider installing portainer, it’s a great gui tool for managing containers.

They're environment variables you set in the docker run command or compose statement

I think I was able to get it to work. Now how or where can I find my m3u playlist? Im getting this message on my container log instead of user & PW=NONE
⇨ http server started on [::]:7777

IP address of machine:7777

I can’t have more than one stream open at a time, is that a thing?

Edit: nas had changed ip address.. all fixed

I tried that & it does nothing. Not sure if I've got something messed up somewhere

Use the IP address of your docker host (QNAP NAS?)

Then you copy and paste the FUBO HLS url into your Channels DVR Custom M3U settings

I can see the 2 playlists from Serverip:7777 but if i try to click the links I get nothing. If I try to copy & paste the urls to use in CDVR custom channels I get:

invalid source url: failed to retrieve m3u: GET: http://IP:7777/fubo/playlist-hls.m3u: 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR

Check the Fubo docker container log
Also, make sure you use the actual IP address, not the letters ip you show in http://ip:7777/fubo/playlist-hls.m3u