Fubo TV project

Can you stream from their website https://www.fubo.tv/stream/canada/ using your browser in Canada?

Aren't their plans and channels different in Canada?

Also, I think you need to update your postal code on your account and set your home network there.
I don't live in Canada, so just going by what their website says.

Last, but not least, it appears something changed recently where anybody using this project only gets channels from the U.S. Pro plan no matter what plan they sub to.

"Last, but not least, it appears something changed recently where anybody using this project only gets channels from the U.S. Pro plan no matter what plan they sub to."

probably it.

Everything else works fine with my new account. even watching it as i type on my xbox x with the same app, just new login.

You could pull an older version of his docker image and see if that works.
There are two. Container Registry · Yankees4life / vlc-bridge-fubo · GitLab
Instead of the
2024-08-17 image at registry.gitlab.com/yankees4life/vlc-bridge-fubo:latest
Try the
2024-05-20 image at registry.gitlab.com/yankees4life/vlc-bridge-fubo/main:latest

That would be before his latest change

I would try it, but I no longer sub to Fubo.

with the new account you are getting all channels again?

Which docker image are you using. The old joagomez one
or one of the newer ones from Jean (there are two).
Container Registry · Yankees4life / vlc-bridge-fubo · GitLab
2024-08-17 image at registry.gitlab.com/yankees4life/vlc-bridge-fubo:latest
2024-05-20 image at registry.gitlab.com/yankees4life/vlc-bridge-fubo/main:latest

I'm using registry.gitlab.com/yankees4life/vlc-bridge-fubo:latest

I also noticed today the number of channels it's providing increased by 1, now it's showing 246 channels.

Guess the issue other users are having is something on the Fubo backend and not the docker container?

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Sure seems like it? I’m not sure what else could explain the discrepancy. Hmm.

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Different channels in Canada, I got it for the Premier League as its exclusive to Fubo here. Also different monthly price

I'm still using it in Canada! You don't get any of the sports channels (DRM'd), but it works for the StackTV channels. I'm also on JGomez177's (I'm assuming) final version as I've managed to not mess with it while it works.

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I'm guessing the issues some people are having with channels missing is due to Fubos recent change to the packages.

I still have an older package, and i am able to add and remove addons and the channels are updated in the original container

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Here's some interesting data that may help explain the discrepancy? I was playing around with this cool CDVR Sources Helper bookmarklet along with my Fubo-VLC-Bridge docker setup, and next to the name of each channel it revealed what looks like package names that are serving them up for me. fubotv-basic, 4k-screen, fubo-extra-lite-v2, news-plus.

What are others seeing, when they try the same?


You have what was called the Elite plan (same one I had).
Fubo Basic (Pro) + Fubo Extra + News Plus
See this Support Article

4k screen just means it's a channel that can be viewed in 4k on a supported device at home. https://support.fubo.tv/hc/en-us/articles/360011479911-Does-Fubo-offer-any-content-in-4K-HDR

it takes their packages that a channel is entitled through and joins it to a string as the group-title

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Yes that makes complete sense. I was wondering what the package names would be for those whose Fubo docker setups were “only” showing 177 channels — and how theirs might differ from mine.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: VPN for Docker

Just setup the docker here registry.gitlab.com/yankees4life/vlc-bridge-fubo:latest but only getting 181 channels. fyi I am new to fubo.

Hmm. How are your channels tagged when using the "CDVR Sources Helper bookmarklet" I mentioned above? Does it name the package? I'm curious to see how it differs from mine.

sorry, I went back to directv stream once I realized no hbo,discovery,reelz

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Looks like they may have changed some stuff with their API. Noticed this when my NBALP wasn't showing up in channels.
The python in the container looks for the package slugs in the user endpoint with the [recurly].[purchasedpackages] object. However, this data is rather stale and doesn't reflect my active plan / addons.

I noticed there's now a subscriptions endpoint which accurately reflects my active plan / addons.
Will poke around and see if I can rework some of the code.