Full Featured Roku App?

Very interesting article comparing what is happening in the US vs the rest of the world and how different it is depending upon how you slice it.

Yeah, I tried to find evidence to either prove or dispute @k2ue's assertion and encountered a raft of conflicting stories, data, and stats.

Near as I can tell, Roku does retain more market share than any other single streaming device maker, but I found no evidence that share was growing.

We had a Roku 2. I could never come to love it. Can't say why. When we went with an HDHR tuner and Roku was unsupported, having to replace it gave me no heartburn.


Somehow it seems this thread turned into how great the Roku platform is. The issue here is, and always was, crappy hardware.

Channels, or any other DVR software is horrible on said crappy hardware. Stream from external sources all you like on Roku, it's great for that, but you can't timeshift live TV at all on the Roku hardware.

It's really that simple.

*when I say "timeshifting", I mean pausing and restarting or watching the show while it's still being recorded.

Raising the dead thread, the current HDHomerun Roku app seems to work pretty well on my equipment, if that helps anyone with a Roku. :wink:

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No, the HDHR app is crippled because of the crappy support. If you use it, you will notice it does not quite work like their other apps.

In short, Roku is a crap platform to develop for, and only a sadist would ask for their app to be ported.

Roku is a crap platform, and the developers have made the sane decision to stay away. Channels for Roku will not happen as long as Roku continues their current developer-hostile approach.


Roku is def not a "crap platform to develop for". It holds a leading 32% of the market share, so good luck with adoption without it

Amazon, Android, and Apple will smother Roku eventually. They just can't compete with the tech giants in the long term. Their hardware is very limited for the simple thing I wanted to use it for as a client. Roku is low-cost, but that only makes them a bigger target for Amazon.

Not in the next 5-10 years they wont. Theyve had every opportunity to smother them but havent. Its a crazy thing to say you will never support Roku, even if you think it will "go away eventually" which it wont, they have too much money to go away. Amazon depends on Android as does most other OTT devices and Android is just god awful to work with (not that brightscript is much better). I still think a roku client SHOULD be created, but i guess we will agree to disagree here

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Roku has come along way with affordable hardware & their roku channel. If cdvr doesn't want to make thier app for roku then thats on them. Most people are gonna still purchase the app but if youbat3 gonna hate on roku because you are just an apple fan boy then thats different. Oh.... you can say roku is gonna get eaten up by apple, etc down the road but deal with present time. Me, i still have rokus in my house & ill continue to support them.

I find these threads amusing… all the Roku lovers that complain… who never have actually tried to develop an app for the platform.

I still recall the crippling issues I had with Emby and it unable to detect when a user ended a stream or changed channels and would engage next tuner locking all of them u til you rebooted the Roku. Emby devs stated it impossible for them to access that api or whatever and said they not working on Roku app any more.

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You know, I was going to laugh at you, but I decided to look it up. According to their last 10-Q report, as of the end of June, Roku was sitting on over $2 billion in cash and had $1.5 billion in liabilities, so they are actually in a pretty decent financial state. They are not profitable right now, but that is almost entirely because of massive increases in sales, marketing, and R&D expenses compared to last year. Those are things they could get in line over time, so I'm surprisingly more impressed with Roku than I thought I'd be!

That all said, can you please lower the temperature of your rhetoric? A quick look into your background tells me that you have some valid experience and could provide useful insight. But all of that will be completely lost if your very first post is attacking the product that most everyone on here, myself included, is a fanatic of.

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I see where Roku teamed up with WYZE to sell its smart home products...

I actually came here because before I set out to make my own server/client I wanted to try out some alternatives. I came here to see if Roku was on the roadmap only to see those statements. Honestly I wouldnt mind helping to create a roku app for you all if that is of interest (I can be the main guy running with it so yall dont have to), but if the consensus is you hate roku for some reason and never want it a part of your platform then I will just go make my own. Honestly I heard great things about Channels so I was surprised to see Roku not supported

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Hi, we are a small team with limited resources and not much BrightScript experience. We have our hands full with the Apple and Android apps at the moment, and no short term plans to rewrite the app for Roku.

That said, if you’re interested in building something for Roku, we are happy to answer any questions.


I would be interested for sure! I helped build the Jellyfin one and can get things going. Although now I see its only a paid sub service so I cant install an open source version to play with?



Jellyfin? I just set myself up to do development on the Jellyfin Roku client. I'm a long time Channels user so I was looking to see if there is a Roku version. I currently don't have the skills to build an app on Roku but I am setup to sideload apps on Roku and willing to help design and test a Channels Roku app.

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