Get Channels Server Issues

Hi Guys

I'm just wondering if Get Channels will run like Plex server, I tried for hours on weekend to get it to work on my Server and be able to access remoetly and local portor forwarded everything for remote but i think with switches and other things it will never work, It can see the IP on the app but just wont connect to it. Just wondering could they use simalar to Plex never ever had a issue with Plex with using switches or other routers local or remote, I know it says in the trouble shootting to only use bridge but its impossible in my case and would hate to stop using this service just becasue i need to setup setver in same room, Has anyone done something tricky and its worked, Any ideas be great or i just cant use it. I have searched everything and can't find answers.

Can you provide some more details? Its a bit hard to read between the lines to figure out how your environment is configured. Server OS, network topology, etc.

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Mate Running Windows Server and have Nvidia Shield and other PCs, most are through switch and router to Personal PC and Shield

I can run DVR server on personal PC and works fine on shield as its on the direct line in same room, When installing on Server works fine on server but unable to connect to it on same network, Shield can see the IP to connect to but just sits there connecting, I have changed it from running through another modem to just switch no luck, I have tried port forwarding everything but dont really need to remote only local. The DVR server settings is showing to both IPs which both are assigned to same PC one static, I can use that IP address on server and it works which it should. I dont want to have to install on Personal PC, I even tried connectin the personal computer directly to Modem switch and server with no luck.

I know this isnt the same as PLEX but i have no issues with Sonarr,Radarr,Plex,Sabnzb access local or even Remote,

Hope this helps

Unfortunately im more confused after reading your reply. Can you provide a network diagram? Sounds like you have a lot going on there...

Essentially i have mutiple servers connected to a switch and then my personal PC and Shield is connected to another switch, Essentially i can only access the DVR server it was installed on nothing else no matter what i try, Weird thing is the Shield app can see the IP of server as it pops up but never connects. All Local

Channels works fine traversing through switches, I suspect you have issues stemming from firewalls. I suggest you allow port 8089 in your firewall. What you are experiencing is not “normal” something weird is going on here.

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I definitly did it port forward, But ill try Firewall didnt think i had to do the Port for Local only did the APP, Yes as mentioned i have no issue with Radarr,Sonarr,Xteve,Plex Local or Remote its weird all these other things work but not Get Channels.. Worst case ill just put Rasperberry pi in Room

Instead of muddying the water by mentioning everything and using run-on sentences, just state which device Channels DVR Server is installed on that you're having the issue with.
Sounds like you have it installed on Windows Server using a docker container install running bridge mode networking. If so, you will not be able to access the server from clients and you'll be prompted for authentication when trying to access it from another device on your network.

You have 3 very knowledgeable people responding on this thread. I strongly encourage you to as @slampman asked to describe your network topology along with a detailed description of how the dvr software is installed on your “server”. Take advantage and I’m sure we can get to the bottom of this.

Sorry for Muddying water trying to explain that other simalar programs are working without issue remote and Local on same server and never had to add ports to firewalls on Windows have modem I have download the Windows Install and installed it and run it on the server as a service.

I think when im home i will try do the port through the firewall, Sorry for the questions i didnt know if maybe someone else had same issue and there was some setting i did etc.

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Port forwarding at the router is only necessary for remote access. You don’t need to do it for LAN access. If you can’t access the server on your LAN you have a network issue. Are you running the dvr on your server in a docker container? Again please describe your network topology l, without that we are just guessing where to start with your problem.

Yes i did think the port forward was no use if on outside,
Tree Network Topology I would suggest
Essentlially i have My Server Connected to the Switch that is connected to the Router then to the FIBRE Modem. The Personal PC and shield is connected directly to Switch originally had it connected to router in room didnt make a differenece after i changed it.

Guys i dont want people wasting to much time to help me ill just look at alternative options, I just thought someone might have quick answer as its weird other things are working on network youd think either or none.

Also server has 2x Ips 1 x 10 Gigabit and 1 x Gigabit Both show up in the DVR Server

Guys just got home and it looks like it worked added the some outbound rules on sever for the program and worked straight away, Hopefully someone can read my post and try it for a fix