HACK: Use Channels DVR as a Plex tuner

time to spin up another copy of channels to fix this issue lol
There are intermittent posts on plex's reddit about this happening with threadfin and other proxies

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Wait if you add channels m3u and xml to a new channels install it doesn't automatch the channels to guide???

Lots of this

There are 2 ways Channels DVR matches guide data to M3U ... Grace Note ID or the XML ... You most have not selected the whole Guide data xml.... so it is trying to match via Gracenote ID.... can you post a screens shot of the Internals of your Source.

You must have a problem if this did not match ... from the source of the M3U and XML. I have absolutely no problem doing this. I would if not recording on my main DVR remove all the sources and recreate them as a last resort... Or better yet you could try to delete the guide data at the source DVR and recreate it.

Thanks - i did recreate guide data yesterday - didn't seem to help

Perhaps i found some limit of the software or something is really messed up from one of my sources - its trying to match stuff but it isn't going well

If anyone at channels is interested i pushed logs eedac47a-845f-42f1-8a74-357c9a7d6145 from the main server

What is Plex's remote streaming (away from home) like in comparison to Channels DVR? Is there any added intelligence built in, for example if a specific channel is running a football game and the clients are locked into 4mbps connections to the server, does the server still run a separate re-encode for each client?

PLex seems to be off hours in the guide .... Definitely Sticking with EMBY ... might just kill my Plex Servers.

Emby Same input ...

So looked a bit more and this is what’s happening on the iOS version

Looks like the guide has multiple shows for a certain period of time and overlays them…probably the web version just doesn’t show both

I definitely seen this before with people proxying channels in a threadfin or xteve

Perhaps an option to convert x.x channels to regular numbers for plex

Seems to either be expecting cable or ota and not both

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This is what we've been seeing - i'm pretty sure mike gallagher show doesn't even play on abc 2.1

It mixes up all the stuff and layers more on top

Seems to go from 2.1-13.x on my server

I deleted the Plex DVR not worth me worrying about it when EMBY works flawlessly with Channels DVR input.


I used to have this problem all the time when changing mappings with xteve/threadfin. If you just update the m3u the previous mapping (specific to those channel numbers) are stuck. The only way to "fix" was to manually delete all those mappings and then manually search making sure to select "search all lineups". I would definitely assume this would cause Plex all sorts of issues. For good measure anytime you change m3u on channels I would delete the entire Plex DVR. Plex is terrible at changing lineups. It's not built for it. You'll end up with tons of "ghost channels".

Would also like to report I am not currently having any issues with my local x.x channels. Or any bad guide data. I have hdhomerun in channels as well as tv anywhere and some customs channels.

I did fully delete and still immediately it was broken

I'm interested in the Order of operations on this if you could write it out in order

@tmm1 is it possible to add a Starting Number on the M3U and XMLTV ? Like Threadfin Does ? just when using Plex ?

This is just not working ... I did a Clean Install of Plex fed it the M3U and XMLTV and the listings are off not worth the time sorry @tmm1 but this is not a viable solution. All mappings correct in Plex

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So in the past when I had this behavior deleting the source and re-adding it did not help. Like it was cached or something. So you can leave the source as is. There should be potentially 2 ways to fix this. The first is to delete the source guide data by selecting the change provider option in the source settings. The other is to manually click that pencil icon on every channel and manually set it. It is a pain in the ass.

If the source is an hdhomerun the gracenote data should be sufficient, however I did have to manually change a couple that were not correct for my zip code. Process is the same click the pencil icon and manually change it.

Did You see my post above all channels were mapped correctly but the guide is off.... using Plex Guide data is ok it is just Channels M3U and XMLTV input to Plex that has a problem..

The Problem is that Plex seems to stack channels .... 529 Channels only 441 enabled ... even though they all have Guide data and different Channels numbers.


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Yeah...JF is miles better just using the url directly than bothering with plex or they're half-assed Live TV/DVR features.

Using plex's guide will have to be the way to go if you want anything to work properly too...

i don't think i actually responded to anything you said directly, but what exactly is your issue? your channels appear to be mapped properly to some channel. are those the wrong mappings or right ones? if they are right does plex guide not match what is in channels guide?

as far as the 529/441 thing that could be for a number of reasons. for example if your channels change their names ever (like a ppv channel from iptv) plex thinks the old one is missing and the new name is a new channel. those numbers being different isn't exactly an issue.

this is extremely debatable. if we are talking m3u integration then sure jellyfin can import that. but try scrolling page by page through the channels when you have say 300 and they limit you to 25 per page or whatever. its a trash experience. channels dvr by far is the absolute best live tv experience out there. its not even close. it should be known this is a hack to support folks that have been using crap third party tools like threadfin/xteve to make this work. i use plex for my existing media and channels for my live tv. channels is close to being my all in one app, but i don't like the way manual mapping of mismatched content works at the moment.

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