HACK: Use Channels DVR as a Plex tuner

haha more crazy stuff with the plex integration

for this ota channel the guide is completely wrong


Its scrobbling to trakt the correct show


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Yeah there is something in the way ChannelsDVR presents the M3U and XMLTV as threadfin is dropping or combining a lot of channels. 437 channels inputted but only 204 sent to plex.

I've seen this not involving channels dvr at all - i think this is a plex issue

Easiest solution is probably renumbering the ota channels

Threadfin dropped all the TVE Channels. Something got messed up when the Channels Plex update was implemented. Threadfin 437 no filters sent to Plex 204.

This was my experience with threadfin constantly

Threadfin worked great for me prior to the ChannelsDVR to Plex update.... I really do not use Plex but have users that do so I am done testing.

Threadfin sucks at matching in plex because threadfin renumbers the channels in the m3u but not in the xmltv. so your best bet with threadfin is to match the numbers from channels dvr in the threadfin mapping screen.

Also, I don't think either of your problems are channels or plex. plex literally matches what you give it from channels m3u/xml. plex has lots of other problems but none of which are matching channels that it auto matches or your manually match during the live tv setup. I think we haven't seen enough info from you guys to fully determine exactly what is going on with your setups.

Here is my setup with ota channels (from channels) and tve channels (from channels):

And here are the "ghost channels" that the names have changed.

The only issues i have with plex live tv is the categories. They are absolutely broken when using xml as guide.

You show the View at 10:00 am ... I show some other guide data for that time slot .... As you can see the guide data is screwed up ....' in Plex.

But on Channels which is feeding Plex it is ok ... both on same machine ... so the time setting is ok ... Plex just sucks.

This is Emby same feed from ChannelsDVR as Plex ... everything on time.

Channels to Plex is done putting a fork on it.

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i'm in colorado just an fyi on that. but i have a question is the mike gallagher show on right now or is AM Northwest on right now? or are those the same show and i am just unaware? second is plex running in a container? is the timezone on that container correct? again i don't think we have enough information still. plex matches that abc channel to its channel id in the xml. emby does it the same way. the time being off but the data being the same suggests the timezone is wrong for one of those installs, likely plex.

my main concern about the conclusions that are being made here are that a new user coming here for help would likely be very confused about whats actually happening. to be clear channels exports the m3u properly and matches it to the xmltv properly all based on your own setup. if something is wrong i would first look at your set up in channels before blaming plex for bad matching. also this is not a channels dvr issue but more of a user setup issue. as you can manually match channels to be anything you want without really realizing it is wrong.

They are all on the same machine PST .. Plex is just buggy. No Containers straight windows Installs.

so let me get this straight, the issue is simply that the timezone is off? but the data is correct? and somehow that is plex' fault? look i'm not trying to convince you to use plex integration, just confused. i'll let the conversation carry on.

This is a VERY slick feature. I just updated my Plex server in docker which hasn't been used in at least a year, added my Channels DVR TV M3u & EPG links and I have a functional LiveTV service. All of the guide data just automatically mapped. It makes a great alternative for devices like my Roku which don't have a Channels client.

Plex only allows one EPG source (zip code or XMLTV); other sources like HDHomeRun with a zip code need to be removed.

well I just tried this and it actually works really well. There are a few channels that I would love to add like pop with I know is unsupported is there anyway to add custom channels?

This is the biggest issue that I've seen so far and it's already sort of been mentioned but not in this context. The channel category is lost in the import. I normally don't care about such thing EXCEPT in Plex, the channel category is used to determine the library that a recording would be stored. So I have channels that are declared Movies so only a Movies library is available to store recordings in for that category rather than TV Shows. I guess it doesn't matter if you have Channels do all of the recording rather than Plex. Just a Plex rant here in that they SHOULD always allow a user to manually overried a default location for a recording to any available library regardless of type and this wouldn't be an issue.

Plex decides if its a move or show based on the metadata right? not by channel category.

Plex apparently decides that anything that is not episodic (is that a word?) is a Movie. If the guide shows it as S1E2 for example, it'll let you choose libraries as if it were a TV show. So things like Gutfeld which show up as comedy/entertainment still are considered movies because the guide data doesn't show it as an episode. Same thing for a sports event like a football game.

That not only causes an issue as to which library a show goes to but also screws up any DVR scheduling. If a show is miscategorized as a movie rather than a series, the Plex DVR will not record further episodes. So I have tons of news type shows being categorized by Plex as nonepisodic so by default go to "Movies" rather than TV shows. This seems to be an issue with the XMLTV parsing of the Channels DVR source. So as things are, the DVR recording function of Plex isn't going to work properly if the shows aren't categorized properly.

Is anybody using Channels and Plex commercial detection side by side? If I'm using Channels to record a show and detect commercials, can I also use Plex's ability to detect and mark commercials on those same recordings? Plex now has the ability to detect commercials on already-present files. (In other words, if I use Plex at the same time, will it "mess up" the Channels recordings when detecting commercials, or are they safe to use side by side?)

(The reason: I'm thinking about taking a Roku to a vacation home until I repurpose an Apple TV, and might use Plex for TV there. I'm using Channels to place edl files next to show recordings when detecting commercials, but Plex does its own thing with commercials).

Channels records straight to a .mpg file. If your plex server detects that file 5 mins into recording, it will run the commercial scanner on that 5min clip and never again, from my experience.

Plex records to a .grab folder and the moves the file to the correct folder once the program has finished, triggering the commercial scanner.

Your channels dvr recordings will of course not be recognised as 'recorded' to plex, so for the commercial scanner to trigger for the files you will need to have the library set to scan for commercials for all items, which i would advise against if you have media with no ads in the same library.

If you do end up making a spereate DVR/Recordings library, you will also likely need to disable auto scanning of any sort on plex otherwise it will detect the incomplete recording as mentioned before, unless you set up some sort of script (or perhaps with a program like Hazel if you cant code) to detect the recording is complete and to move it into a folder you have plex ready to detect.

I wish it was easier aswell.

Currently trying to implement something with losslesscut to record on CDVR, wait for a verified EDL file, then cut the video according to that EDL, then convert that to a MP4 (whilst also extracting the dvb_teletext subs as an SRT).

@bnhf probably has this already but i cant get portainer to work for the life of me :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Thanks for all the info. It sounds like this will end up being too much trouble for the limited usage I'd get out of it. I appreciate the heads up.