HDHomeRun Premium TV Channels Showing in Guide

I have the "HDHomeRun Premium TV Channels" option set to "Off" in "Settings", yet they still appear in the "Guide" and "On Now" screens.

How do I not have them display as I am no longer subscribing to the SiliconDust Premium TV service?

Thank you!

That setting only hides demos. They will continue to appear if you're still subscribed. If you're not anymore reboot your HDHR and then select Scan Network in the DVR web UI.

Where is the setting to turn OFF the HDHomeRun Premium channels?

In the web UI, under Settings -> X HDHomeRun found -> gear menu. In the drop-down you'll see a check box to disable showing the SD PTV demos.

If you were subscribed: See tmm1's prior comment.

There is also a setting in the apps to hide them.

Ok, got it. I'm not subscribed so i do not see that option in channels settings.

I did see where i can click of the star and it changes to red X - did that and now they are gone.


i’ve seen Premium TV demo channels since released and have been ignoring it. I’ve disabled them everywhere in settings, HDR Lineup, Apple TV, iOS app and it’s still show up in the guide/DVR. I don’t think it’s recording/playing from demo channels but I had to forced all of my new recording to record from the correct channel. IMG_1584 SnipImage IMG_1583

The app and the dvr have settings to hide premium channels. In the iOS app click on settings and you should see it under the tuners. In the DVR web UI, click the gear dropdown in the tuner list area.

I've done that & it doesn't work. uninstall dvr & reinstalled, restore from backup and delete tvOS & iOS app doesn't work.

In the DVR settings unchecked means no Premium TV demo, correct?

Alas, whatever you do, they still show up in the guide :frowning:

So you’re saying you’ve gone into the client app settings and disabled it there, but you still see it? I’d double check.

Yes, I went to tvOS/iOS client apps toggle the switch. I think it maybe fetching old cache guide data & channel image icon. Everything is working fine I'm just seeing the wrong guide info. My next step is to blow away my installation and start from scratch if no solution is available.