Nice work! I like the simplicity of your scripts atm. You may find they need to be expanded some to handle special "scenarios" as they arise -- but hopefully not.
If you do find situations that aren't handled currently, reach out to me or @KompilerDJ as we may be able to point you in the right direction.
One thing I noticed from the M3U snippet you posted a while back is that you hard coded the proxy IP into the M3U like this (which is missing the port # btw):
I'd suggest you use the original variable instead from the example I sent you:
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/aRGFZpHQkzY
This picks up the IPADDRESS environment variable from the Portainer-Stack.
Also, we figured out that comments can be added to M3U using "# " (hash followed by a space) -- which is handy for identifying local channels east/west feeds or anything else that you might want as a reminder for you or someone else using your M3U.