Appreciate the offer! I was able to get permissions working the dirty way with a little "777" (I know, I know). I'm sure the limitation is due to how Unraid decides to compose dockers. I'll figure that out as a production goal.
So far the testing has been pretty good. I'm getting about an 8-10 second tune time from sleep on the test Osprey box. This will be perfectly acceptable to me as I don't plan to flip channels. This will be for recording only.
I could shave time on tune, to a few seconds, if I didn't have the Osprey sleep in the stopbmi script. Problem is the HOME function on the Osprey takes you to a live channel. The device is always streaming. With a plan for multiple Osprey boxes, that's a lot of wasted data.
Next step is to test AH4C this week on NBC channels I was grabbing with the (awesome) ADBTuner. If stable, I'll look at dropping coin on some more Ospreys and one of those uRay four channel encoders. Luckily DirectTV Stream allows unlimited devices inside your home network.
This is looking to be a great solution for me, one that I hope to be long term and reliable. The core experience on these Osprey boxes is channel tuning and that function should not deviate much like an App would. I get cleanly tuned channels without app launch delays, pop up menus and "on screen left overs" like I have with in-app video capture.
I'll keep testing. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ping. Thanks to the CDVR and AH4C devs for all the great work.